Extras: Adrian's First Appearance, And Diamond's Goodbye For Now

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A.N: This takes place during the epilogue. D has just been vibing with Callie and Marie for the last year in this book.

~Ds POV~

Checking the device on my arm, I check the signal from the portal that should open soon. Walking into the alleyway, the signal gets stronger and I know that I'm in the right place.

Soon enough, a portal opens and I see a friend come out of it. His outfit was like this world's agent 3s outfit, but instead of shorts, trousers and obviously shorter hair that was pinned in a ponytail behind his head. His headset was around his neck, and he had a weapon in one of this pockets. Holding his portal device in one hand, he takes out his journal and starts to write down details. Whilst doing this, he finally speaks up.

"Hey D! How you doing? Let me guess, needed my help since you got stranded here after saving the world from corruption, then bringing someone back to life?" Well Adrian, that happened a year ago now. I just haven't contacted you until now since this world is pretty cool. "You're telling me that you've been stranded here for a year?! I thought you couldn't be in different universes for that long." Well, turns out nothing really happens if you stay for longer than a week. "Huh, interesting. Gotta try this out sometime. Anyway, should we get you back to your universe. Ready to go little dude?" I nod and we step through the portal, travelling back to my world.

This won't be the last time I see you Cora and Tobias. I sense another meeting will come soon...

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