Chapter 2: New Technologies, And A Broken Heart

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~3s POV~

It's 5am on the 27th of July. I know it's really early, but when ever we have a big mission to complete, I can never really sleep that long. I mean, 7 to 9hrs of sleep is fine for me. I get out of bed and slip into my slippers, then leave the bedroom in silence. I sneak to the living room to make sure I don't wake the boys up, and what's the first thing I do when I get there? Plug my earphones in and sit down listening to music. Before I do that though, I make myself a hot cup of tea and a couple of crumpets. Afterward, I sit on the couch eating and drinking, sometimes taking a break to sing. I finish eating and look at the time. 5.30am. Still really early in the morning, guess I'm spending time alone until about 8.45am. Well, that's what I thought until Tobias walked in.

"Good morning sweetheart. Why are you up so early?" I say to Tobias. He sits on the couch next to me and puts his head on my shoulder. "I'm just upset by something and wanted to talk to someone about it. I realised you were up and came out to you." He tells me. I lift his head up and kiss him. "You can talk to me about anything." I grab his hands and squeeze them. He smiles at me and yawns before he starts to talk. "Well... I found out I had a sister yesterday. And turns out, before me and you were knocked into or taken to the Metro during our fight a few years ago, me and Tobi fought her. She was Agent 13, and... We killed her. Tobi did most of it since I had to fight you, but... We killed our own triplet." He starts to cry and I comfort him. "That's horrible, was that what was wrong yesterday?" I ask. He nods and I comfort him more. I thought he was a triplet, I never would have known he was actually a triplet. But before I could say anything else, my phone rang. I picked it up and answered. 2 had called me about something and said that we all had to get there immediately.

I woke up 4 and told him to get up. He rolled over and moaned that he was tired, but after some convincing, he got up and got ready.

~2s POV~

I paced up and down the main room of the headquarters, waiting for the 3 main agents to arrive. We had new information on the situation at hand and we couldn't waste any time at all, we had to discuss it before someone found out we knew.

"You said you needed us 2?" 3, 4, and 8 all rush in, in agent gear and weapons in hand. "Thanks for getting here, especially such an early time in the morning as well. Come sit down, 6 and Lukas have some important info, and so do I." They do as I say, and I gesture to 6, who is frantically typing away. She speaks with the sound of her keyboard and Lukas working away on the background. "So, we all know that 7 is in the Deepsea Metro right now, but we have recently found out some new info. She has a copy of a CQ-80. We don't know where she obtained it from, but we do know that she is visiting every station, and I mean every station, taking each one offline from the CQ-80 network. This includes the stations where you would obtain the Thangs, the test stations, the central station, everything. You may think that I couldn't get any worse, but It can. She has an army." 6 finishes, not looking up from her laptop. Lukas then elaborates on what she had said. "All of us here know that my sister, 7, is a hybrid, unlike me and my other sister who are both 1 species. Now, her army are all hybrids, and there is a high chance that a group of them are following her around the Metro. We don't know how many, all we is that there is enough to probably take everyone of us down if we don't go in there together, or at least in a group of 3 or more." Lukas finishes and then I add on to everything they had said. "There's another thing. 4, you ain't gonna like this. She's evil... Or, well we think she is, we can't quite confirm it yet. She has an army, taking systems off of the network, the whole Metro under her control. There is a reason for this, and it was when we sent her to Tar Tar's base to clean up. We--I sent her up there to the main battle room alone, and she turned evil because of something in there at the time." I continue to speak, but 4 zones out and leaves to go outside.

~4s POV~

I pick up Marie's umbrella and exit outside. I sit on the slightly moist bench and start to cry, listening to the sound of the rain hitting the umbrella and my surroundings. I block out the rest of the world and just solely think about my feelings. "Oh cod, I miss you so much Sonia. Please come back." I cry some more whilst whispering to myself, when all of a sudden I feel and hand on my shoulder. I look up, unaware of who it was, and realise 8 had come outside to see me. "Let me guess, the thought of Sonia bieng evil is upsetting you and you just want to bring her home?" He asks me. I nod, thinking about the good times I had had with her so far. "Well, you know we have a team that will be able to get her back. And just like me when I got 3 back, you'll be able to hug and kiss her, and give her all the affection in the world. So don't worry about it, we can and will turn her good so you can see her again." He patts my shoulder with his hand, and I sniffle, feeling much better than before. "Thanks 8." "No problem 4." By the time we had finished talking, the rain had died down and the sun had came out.

~3s POV~

As 4 walked out, 8 stood up and picked up a spare umbrella. "I'll go outside and check on 4 now. Update me afterward." He tells us, exiting outside. After he leaves, 6 starts to talk about her new invention to help with the mission. She pulls it out and holds it in her hands. "This is a drone. It was a device humans used before they died. I recently came across blueprints for one, and I created one." Me, 5, 1 and 2 looked at it unusually. It was a small body with 4 propellers, in the colour of white with bits of blue on it. Lukas then takes out a remote and speaks. "We still need to test it out, we don't know if it fully works yet." "Well why don't we go do it now?" 2 suggests. 6 and Lukas agree, and we all follow them outside, where 8 has comforted 4 and he is much happier now.

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