Chapter 5: A Plan To Infiltrate

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~4s POV~

We arrive back at headquarters and we all stand outside. 6 is extremely mad at this point, and everyone was wondering why, so I decided to ask her. "Well, maybe if I didn't put so much work into the drone and it wasn't shot down in almost an instant, I wouldnt be this mad!" She shouts. Lukas squeezes her hand and trys to comfort her, but she doesn't calm down, so 5, 1 and 2 help her. At this point, we had no ideas whatsoever on how to get further. I look around and realise 3 had dissappeared. "Where's 3 gone?" I ask 8. He shrugs and goes to look for her, leaving me outside, wondering what else 7 could have planned.

~3s POV~

I walk inside whilst everyone is distracted to start to develop the ideas I had. I take the rubber to the blackboard and rub everything off, I then take a chalk pen and start to write and draw my plan. "What you doing, Cora?" I continue to write and I listen to 8 getting closer to me. "Just planning something Tobias." I say, not taking my eyes off the board. I continue to write as he takes my free hand and reads everything I had written. "Sneak in... Grab CQ-80... Escape... Wait a minute... Are you planning to do this by yourself?!" He asks. I don't respond, and only continue to write. "You can't do that Honey. I'm not letting you do this. I promised I'd protect you, I'm not risking you being kidnapped again, turned evil for the 3rd time, or even killed!" He lets my hand go and looks towards me. "I can handle myself. I don't need you by my side every time I do a mission." "Last time I remember you did a mission on your own, it ended up in us both bieng sent to the Metro, causing you to be later Sanitized." He tells me, not letting me get away with doing it myself. I finish my plan and turn to him. I look into his eyes and shake my head. "There's no changing my mind sweetie, you can't force me to do it with the team. Anyway, we have everyone to make sure I get out alive, especially you. I know your afraid of me getting kidnapped again, and me getting anxiety because of torture, but I can handle it myself. I want to do this alone, just like before the Squidbeak Splatoon was so large. Just let me do it b--" Before I can continue, I feel his lips on mine and we kiss for a few seconds and we separate afterward. "We are in this together, no matter what. I don't want you to get hurt again. Do it with me." He holds both my hands and looks straight into my eyes. His brown eyes sparkle in the light and I can't say no to his look. "Ok then." I let go and change the information, adding in a few people from the team so I'm not alone. "That's better..." He tells me, resting his head against mine. We both blush and kiss once more before the team comes in and we start to explain the plan.

"We have a plan everyone!" 8 exclaims. I sigh and turn back to the black board. Scanning over the plan, 8 tells me to tell everyone the plan.

"So, me, 8 and 4 will sneak into the Metro and take the CQ-80 since its in central station, the entrance. Whilst we are there, we'll take a quick look around before getting out with the device, which should hold information for every test station and where the thangs were originally located. 1 and 2 will fly us in on the helicopter, 5 will be backup just in case if we get captured or ambushed, 6 and Lukas will stay back here and communicate with the team, making sure we know what we are doing, as well as keeping an eye on our whereabouts. Another thing we have to do is make sure 7 doesn't see us, if she does, we are gonners." "Great plan sweetie." 8 says to me, grabbing my hand. We both blush before 2 interrupts. "I agree. It's a great plan. We'll execute the plan in a few days time meaning you all have time to have some time as your normal identitys, as well as go on dates if you're a couple, do news shows if you're celebrities, do turf war if you're a normal person, or ranked and league if you're my boyfriend who seems to not be able to loose a single match of anything. That's it for now agents, you are all dismissed. Me and 1 will keep you updated for now."

We all start to leave headquarters and go home. It was getting late in the day, so we all went to bed and got sleep so we could enjoy ourselves for the next few days.

~7̵̜̖̬̌̅̐ś̸̙̆͛ ̶̜͚͕̃̾͊̕P̷̱̥̥͐͆̆̂Ơ̶̭̌̓͂͒V̸͍͛͑̐̊̎~

I stood over my entire army, thinking about my next move, especially with my big plan, 'Project: Corruption' that I was soon about to start. I'm soon interupted by an elite who walks up behind me, weapon in hand. "What do you want?" I snap at her and she steps back. She takes a breath and starts to talk, "The army is growing every second, and it will soon be powerful enough to take over the world. We have scientists looking into your new plan, they have found a way to make the weapon, it just means we have to halt production on the corrupted ink." "Do what you must, we have to take the enemy and take the world. For now, I have a plan to use some people to our advantage. The army is growing rapidly, I'm struggling to keep up the power and give orders, so I'm going to split it between 3 people. Don't worry, I have a plan. Get an army section ready, we are heading to the square tonight." She leaves the room and follows her orders. Once she's gone, I take out my phone and start to persue my plan.

~Tobi's POV~

Group Chat: The siblings of people:

You, Petra, Sonia

I open up messages and see something that I hasn't seen in months, something I didn't expect to see for a while.

Sonia is typing...

I looked at the chat for a few seconds, speechless. It had been 5 months. No contact until now. But why now?

Sonia: Hey guys. I know I've been missing for a few months, but I really need help with something. Meet me at the square for midnight?

Petra: Are you ok Sonia? It's been 5 months since we've last seen you? Doesn't matter, I'll meet you there!

Me: Ok, I'll be there soon.

I originally thought to myself 'I shouldn't go' as it seemed sketchy, yet she needed our help. I hesitated again, but picked up my phone and headed out to the square, my weapon hidden in my pocket, where I could easily grab it if needed.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

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