4 | Right Here

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It's the next day and they're on their way to school. It's awkwardly quiet during the walk but Osamu speaks up. Even if it's hard to ignore his feelings after noticing it, Osamu was never the type to let 'trivial' things drag him down.

"Did my tutorin' help ya, Rin?" Suna looks up from the floor and right into Osamu's eyes. He felt his heart skip a beat, he just nodded afraid that if he tried to speak up he'd stutter too much. Samu just smiles and keeps walking.

The wind is starting to get colder as the season enters fall. The leaves are falling and turning into warm colors. Suna looks at the trees and the warm colors surrounding them thinking about the warmth he wants to feel from Samu. He shakes off this thought as they reach the school and head to their classroom.

The day goes by like any other normal day. Once class is over, they head over to the gym for practice. The coach decides that today is reserved to practice serves and receives. Each player is working hard, trying to improve as much as usual. Practice helped distract Suna from his emerging feelings for his best friend. However, he gets interrupted by a certain blond haired setter approaching him.

"Sunarin!" Atsumu runs over to the middle blocker who gives off a heavy sigh at the sight of the setter. "What do you want you rat face?" he scowls at Atsumu. "Why ya gotta be so mean? I just wanted to help ya an' this is how ya treat me?" he pouts at him and Suna rolls his eyes. He questions Atsumu asking why he said 'help' when all he really did was distract him from practice.

"Oh, don't act dumb! I know ya like my bro, Sunarin! I even get lonely at times feelin' like I'm third-wheeling yer asses." Suna glares at him and frowns. "What the fuck do you mean, dumbass? I don't like Osamu you jerk." he scoffs and walks away wanting to get Atsumu off his trail. The setter keeps bothering and teasing the middle blocker until the end of practice.

"I can't believe I have to be the vice captain for your stupid captain ass." Suna sighs. Atsumu laughs at him. "Can we leave him, Samu?" Osamu gladly agrees and they start getting as far as possible from the setter. Atsumu just winks at them and they both roll their eyes.

"Thank God ya asked. I was about to kick his ass." Suna lightly laughs. Even if it may seem that Osamu is the more calm and collected twin, he's actually the opposite. He could or is worse than Atsumu, he just doesn't show it in front of everyone. When they reach the Miya household, they say their usual goodbyes. However, this time he notices something when he walks away.

Samu doesn't walk immediately into his house, he stands right out the front door as if he's waiting for someone. To his surprise, he actually waited for his obnoxious twin. Before losing sight, he sees a sad expression on the twins and it's something he's never seen. They never really showed sadness or pity or any emotion of the sort on their faces. Something has to have happened right? Suna doesn't want to invade their privacy so he just waits til one of them speak up sooner or later.

It's been a week since that day. Everything seems relatively normal in a way but it feels like the twins are different. They aren't as loud, don't fight as often and are quiet. Each day that passes by makes it seem like it's just getting worse. This catches the team's attention. It's not like it's ruining their game but it ruins the atmosphere. Once practice is over, Samu walks over to Suna out of nowhere and asks if he can stay over.

"Hey, Rin. Can I stay over for a night or two?" Suna can hear the shakiness in his voice. It's as if he's been holding in tears and everything. "Uh sure. What about Atsumu?" Osamu looks over at Atsumu and replies saying he'll probably stay over at another friend's house. Then it hits Suna, none of the twins want to stay in their own house. When he looks back at the wing spiker, he notices the dark circles under the other's eyes and the bruises creeping their way out of hiding. Why has he only seen this now?

When walking home, it's silent. You can only hear the cool fall breeze and the leaves falling. Suna covers his face more with his scarf but still feels so cold. Osamu notices this and gives a smile. "I told ya to get somethin' more thicker." he wraps his own scarf around Suna. "Aren't you also cold?" Osamu smiles weakly at Suna and this makes it feel like a piece of his heart has broken off. The smile looks so sad, like the older has been slowly giving up on something. He watches the wing spiker look up into the stars with a sad look in his eyes.

Suddenly, tears are falling out of the wing spiker's eyes just like the way the leaves fall off the trees. Suna stops walking and runs over to the crying wing spiker.

"What's wrong, Samu?" there's a clear sound of concern in Suna's voice, something which he doesn't express often. Osamu stands their crying silently then looking at Suna. "Haha, it's just.." he breathes in and out trying to steady his breathing so he can speak. "Sorry for bein' down the past few days, both Tsumu and I. It's been hard at home an' we just wanted to escape it all." Samu forces himself to smile again, looking again at the stars then back at Suna with more tears forming.

Suna was never good at handling feelings. Everyone knows this. He knows it himself, too. However, he can't stand to see the Miya twins like this. He's grown close to them, especially to Osamu. He's not experienced in friendships and close bonds but he does know one thing. He wants to see Samu's happy and genuine smile again.

Suna wipes Samu's tears with his thumb and bringing him into a hug. It catches the latter off guard but he eases into the embrace of his friend. He can feel his breathing steady but his heart pacing. He can feel a blush creeping up his neck and his face starting to heat up. They've hugged before but, something about this hug is special. The warmth is more comforting than before, it's as if Suna is telling him he's not alone. The action alone says all the words needed to be said.

They stand there hugging on the sidewalk to the path home for a while. They can hear their phones receiving notifications but they choose to ignore it, standing comfortably in each other's arms.

"Thanks, Rin. I owe ya." and he smiles at the younger. This time, the smile that formed on Osamu's lips seemed genuine. It felt real and in a sense comforting. "You should smile like that more often Samu. It suits you." Suna looks up from the hug to meet Samu's surprised face. He laughs at the sight of how shocked Samu is. He then pulls him in tighter one last time before walking again to head to his house.

After taking a few steps, Suna stands and looks back at Samu who's standing there still frozen. He smiles softly and reaches out a hand towards Samu's direction offering him to take his hand. Samu walks up to it and places his hand on top of his. The middle blocker drags the wing spiker to his house. It was silent until Suna broke the silence and Samu looked up, his eyes reflecting the moonlit sky.

Suna tightens his grip around the other's hand and smiles once again at Samu.

"I'm right here for you."

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