9 | Mending Ties

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"Osamu Miya at yer service." Suna looks at the small weak smile being shown to him. He really would want to talk to Osamu but he knows they're in public so he continues to act like a normal customer as to not get more suspicious looks from the people around them. He brings up the list of orders for his team with Komori beside him.

"Uh, I'm gonna order for my team so yeah." Osamu just nods ready to take his order. After a long list of orders which surprised Suna and Komori, they finally finished ordering. How the hell can they eat that much? The middle blocker takes another glance at the former wing spiker and builds up the confidence to say more to him.

"Hey, I know you probably won't want to but...can we talk later?" the man behind the counter looks back at him after shouting the new coming orders to his employees. Osamu looks at Suna and sighs, he knows he can't run forever. "Can ya wait for me to close up?" and Suna nods. After finalizing the order, Komori and Suna walk back to their table with Suna taking one last glance at Osamu.

"So, that's him? Atsumu's brother, huh?" Suna sighs again. "Sorry I didn't tell you, it's just it's painful thinking about it." Komori gives him a friendly smile and reassuring the middle blocker that it was fine. They make it back to the table and just go on as normal so they don't catch their team's attention.

After 20 minutes, their order was brought to them and they start eating. They have a fun time and talk about other things that's not volleyball so they can just relax. The season is starting soon and they want to get as much time to chill before they go into intense training and matches. Suna tries his best to enjoy his time with his teammates before eventually going to finally talk to the person he's been longing for.


It's 9pm already and the team decides it's time to wrap up and go home. They finish their food and leave their payments on the table for the employees to get. Each of them start getting ready to leave until they notice Suna staying behind.

"Suna? Aren't ya going home? It's getting late." Suna looks up from his phone, "I'm waiting for someone. You guys don't have to worry." he smiles at them and they just nod at him saying goodbye. "Goodluck, Suna!" Komori smiles at him, waving off before disappearing as well. The middle blocker waits there while the one he's waiting for closes up his shop. He's going on social media when he hears someone walk up to where he's sitting.

"Let's go to my place. Hope ya don't mind. It's just 10 minutes from here." Suna nods, stands up, gathers his things, and follows the twin.

They walk beside each other in a sort of comfortable silence. Neither of them want to speak up yet, just until they reach Osamu's apartment. After a bit of walking, they reach a building. Suna assumes they made it to the former wing spiker's building as he follows him into an apartment.

Osamu goes over to his kitchen to get them drinks as Suna sits at the table. The former walks over to the latter to hand him his drink and takes a seat himself, right across from the middle blocker. Suna stares at the drink, unable to think about how to start the conversation. Osamu breaks the silence.

"So, did ya wanna talk about it? I realized I never actually gave ya a chance to talk before I ran away. It's been a few years but we left our story unfinished. Now's yer chance, don't fuck up." Suna sees Osamu give another weak smile, he thinks that last sentence was the brighten the mood. Suna smiles knowing that some parts of him still haven't changed over the years.

Suna takes a sip of his drink then putting it down to speak. "Well, I just wanted to start off with saying I'm really sorry for the shit I did. I-" Suna takes a deep breathe to keep his nerves from wanting to consume him whole. "I admit, I only spoke to you because of a dare my friends told me. Yes it was to make you fall in love me but...I actually fell for you myself. I never meant to hurt you, I promise I really did love you. I was supposed to tell you soon but then," he sighs. "You found out through my texts." Suna was about to speak up before he was cut off by Osamu.

"Ya know, I did see what ya told yer friends. But, the pain of just being hit up and talked to because of a dare bled over more. I probably know tha' it was just supposed to be some harmless joke but I did actually fall as well. And ta think tha' this was all supposed to be some joke...it hurt badly." Samu sighs and looks up from his drink and gives what seems to be the 100th weak smile of the night.

"I couldn't blame ya at some point. I felt like I was more mad at myself more than anything. I let myself fall. I couldn't get mad if ya didn't actually love me. I hated myself for letting it get out of hand. I was so caught up in the moment, I couldn't think straight and ended up bursting out on ya. I'm sorry for tha'." Suna tenses. How could Samu think it was his fault? How could he hate himself? He should hate him.

"It's my fault, Samu. I should've let you known as soon as we got together, or even before that. I was a coward and it ended badly. I know that you probably won't want to hear this but, I still love you. I never stopped loving you. I always think about us, our moments, our everything. When I saw you still wearing our bracelets, I wanted to cry." Suna's voice cracks, he tries to stop himself from crying.

"That's funny...cause' I never stopped loving ya either. I loved ya so much it hurt but I couldn't stop. But Rin, I can't just let ya in so easily. As much as I want ya, ya hurt me a lot as well. Yer gonna have ta prove to me that yer actually gonna love me this time, no jokes and no dares. So we can be friends for now." Suna smiles at him.

"I promise, Samu. I'll do everything I can to get your trust back. I'm already happy that you're actually giving me another chance. I was always hoping for another chance." Suna chuckled. He looks again at Samu who's also smiling but this time it isn't a weak one.

"Anyways, ya should get home, it's late already. We both have ta meet halfway if we want this to work again." Samu slides a paper with his number on it. "Feel free to message me." Suna puts the paper in his pocket and smiles. He stands up with his things and heads to the door.

Once Suna steps out he looks back at Samu. "Goodnight, Samu." and Osamu smiles back, "Goodnight, Rin." giving Suna feel warm and light. Samu closes the door and without knowing, they both lean against the door. Both start tearing up but this time it's from happiness. They both whisper underneath their breath.

"I'll wait."


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