7 | Left Behind

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It's been a week and Suna hasn't seen the Miya twins in school or practice. It isn't like them to just skip classes and most especially practice. He's been trying to contact Osamu but he's never replied and soon enough Osamu wouldn't even 'seen' the messages from Suna and just leave him on delivered. No one on the team knows where the two went, not even the teachers and coaches. The middle blocker is getting worried and it's slowly affecting him in practice. He can't help but think something bad has happened and it was all his fault. However, all they can do is be left clueless about their situation and continue on with their lives.


It's a gloomy and rainy Monday. Suna gets to class feeling even more tired than the week before. He's getting less sleep due to the fact that the Miya twins are still missing. Not only that, he hasn't been able to explain to Osamu and apologize. When he puts his head down on his desk and closes his eyes, he hears shuffling at the desk near him. He slowly opens his eyes and sees the familiar grey haired wing spiker. He opens his eyes wide and sits up. Osamu looks at him and Suna can point out many features that have appeared.

The bags under his eyes have gotten worse. The redness next to his eyes, probably from crying so much. The bruises that he saw the last time he saw him have gotten darker as well. Moreover, there are even more bruises appearing. There are bandages around his wrists. What the hell happened to him? When he looks back to Osamu's eyes, he can see his eyes look watery, as if he's about to cry.

"Samu.." he whispers but Osamu quickly looks away to find his brother. Suna looks at them, Atsumu looks as if in the same condition as his brother but a little less brutal. He's brought out of his thoughts when the bell rings and the teacher enters, greeting the class. He watches the twins walk to their seats silently.


As the bell rings and lunch time starts, he makes up his mind to talk to the Miya twins. However, when he gets up, he doesn't see them anymore. He tries to look for them but they have disappeared. He walks to some of his teammates and tells them about the Miya twins. They look at him with shock when he tells them about the bruises and all. He bids them goodbye as he continues to look for them. The middle blocker steps into the bathroom, only to meet a familiar setter's figure.

"Tsumu?" Atsumu stiffens and slowly looks at Suna. "H-Hey." he manages to get out before looking away immediately. Suna walks closer but Atsumu steps back. The blonde haired twin avoids Suna's gaze.

"Can you tell me what happened? The team and everyone, including me, were worried sick about you two." Atsumu sighs and finally meets Suna's eyes. "Everyone, huh? Well ya could probably guess right about what happened." the middle blocker's eyes widen, realizing the source of the problem. The parents of the twins have been trouble for a while, how could he have only realized now.

"Are you guys oka-" he's cut off with another sigh coming from the setter. "All I can say is tha' it got worse. Not just that but.." Atsumu once again looks at Suna, pointing at him. "Ya caused a lot of pain for my brother. So don't ya even try an' talk to him. Give him time an' space, aight?" Suna feels his legs weaken after hearing that. "S-so the bandages on his wrists.." he can hear his own voice shake and his body feels like it's going to collapse.

"I had to keep him somewhat together, ya know? I'd tell ya to fix it but.. it'd probably hurt him more if ya talk to him. So just stay away for a while won't ya? I don't wanna see Samu like this anymore, it was hard enough to keep him in check. Sorry, Sunarin." Atsumu pats Suna's shoulder and walks out of the bathroom.

Suna falls on his knees, head in his hands. He's sobbing, screaming internally, shouting at himself. He feels broken. He's ruined everything. His chance to have a happy life stripped away from him caused by none other than himself.

"What have I done?"


The team seems to see a change between the Miya twins and Suna. This worries them. Just to add to it, when practice is over, they don't walk home together. The team don't know what happened and don't know what to do. They can't do much other than watch their relationship break piece by piece.

Suna is walking home and remembers all the promises and moments between him and Osamu.

"Hey Rin."


"Let's go to university together an' share a dorm."

"Hm.. seems fun, why not?"

Samu's smile, so comforting, so happy, so warm.

He can't help but think, "What's going to happen to these promises now?" he sighs. He can't lose hope, the chance will come to him soon. He has to keep holding on. He's brought out of his thoughts with a text from his friends.

[From: Friend Group Chat]

Yo, Suna. We're so sorry. We'll make it up to you.

[To: Friend Group Chat]

Leave me alone, I already lost a lot and I don't need salt in the wound.

Suna leaves the group chat

He puts his phone away and looks at the sky. The same night sky that lit up Samu's eyes the first time he saw Samu cry.

"It's going to be a lot of lonely and cold nights."


Nothing changes throughout the remaining month of the school year. Suna has left his old friends and found better ones whom he can really trust and are there for him when he has breakdowns about Osamu.

The Miya twins somewhat regain their old personalities but there's still something off. They look better but the dark circles and bruises are still evident. There have been times when they randomly disappear then reappear again after a few days. Atsumu keeps in touch with Suna to update him about things since that's the least he can do for a friend. However, Osamu still hasn't tried to get into any sort of contact with Suna. If they lock eyes, Samu quickly looks away and Suna frowns.

The team knows and notices all this but what can they do? They don't know anything and it's not their place to interfere. They can only be there to help support the three boys.


When graduation day comes, Suna and Osamu still haven't talked. Every time Suna tries to talk, Samu avoids him. It hurts the middle blocker so much but he has to take responsibility. He knows this, so he bares the pain. Osamu probably has experienced worse, he must stay strong.

Suna still applies and attends the university the two had originally promised to attend together. He hopes that Osamu decided to still attend, he hopes he didn't ruin Osamu's path of education. When university starts, he looks for Osamu for a whole week but not finding any trace of him.

He decides to ask Atsumu. He brings out his phone when he gets back to his dorm and calls the blonde haired twin.

"Sunarin? What's up?"

"Hey uh, do you know what happened to Osamu?"

"Well of course I do, he's my brother. I'm sorry to tell ya but he ain't attending yer uni. He's uh, going somewhere else in Tokyo. I can't tell ya, I promised him not to."

"Oh, I see. Thanks, Tsumu. Talk to you again soon"

Suna ends the call and sighs covering his face with a pillow. "I really have ruined everything haven't I?" he puts his phone on the drawer near him. He thinks about all the things that could've happened if only he hadn't messed up. As much as it bothers him, he can only continue to pursue his original career path. He would take some lessons on business but hope to get into pro volleyball by training with the college team and getting scouted. Even if he wasn't the one who should be hurting so much, he can only think one thing.

"Fuck, I really do feel left behind."

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