3 | Closer Bond

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It's been at least about two months or so since school has started. It also means that Suna and Samu have only gotten closer. They started texting almost everyday, if not, then they do text everyday. They started walking to school together and Suna joins the twins when walking home.

There's no after school practice today. After class is dismissed, Suna walks over to Samu.

"Hey Samu! Wanna come over to my house later? We can study and stuff." Suna asks the wing spiker as they're packing their things.

"Sure, I'll be there by 5. Let's go?" Suna nods and walks beside Samu. Atsumu runs to them and again complaining that they left him. They just shrug him off and continue their conversation.

In the Miya household, the twins are in their room just chilling. The peace is then disturbed by none other than the Inarizaki setter.

"Ughhh, I miss Omi-kun! I can't meet him again til next weekend." Atsumu complains irritating the other. "Shut up! Yer so fucking annoying and needy." Samu rolls his eyes at his twin and sighs.

"Oh by the way, yer having dinner alone. Don't burn the house down." Atsumu looks at him and realizes why. "Oh ho ho, yer going to Suna's. I see, have fun." he winks and the setter covers his mouth to muffle his laugh. The wing spiker throws a pillow at his brother and looks at the time. It's 4:40, he should get ready.

He gets up and takes a shower. After about 5 minutes, he got out the shower and dressed up. He leaves the bathroom and heads downstairs to get ready to leave. One last time, he warns his brother to not burn the house and starts walking off.

Osamu reaches Suna's house and takes a deep breath. He's been here before in the past two months, why is he getting nervous now? He rings the doorbell and stands patiently, waiting to be let in.

After a minute or so, the door opens and Samu looks up. "Hey Rin." Suna lets Samu in and they go to Suna's room.

Samu brings a bunch of schoolwork out of his bag and placed them on the table. "I'll be doing my homework, just tell me if ya need help." he smiles at the middle blocker. Suna nods and gets into his own pile of work.

After a while of studying and Samu tutoring Suna, they decide to relax and just chat. Every time they talked, it felt like time seemed to slow down.

"Random thought, when I first walked up to you, why didn't you push my away?" Suna asks and looks at Samu. Samu is looking up and thinking about it.

"Hm, ya just seemed like a cool guy and I needed something to change my lifestyle." Samu looks back at Suna meeting his eyes. They quickly look away from each other, both of them blushing. "U-uh, are you hungry? We can make some dinner." Suna asks starting to stand to head to the kitchen. Samu just nods and follows Suna.

Cooking together was fun. They did make a bit of a mess but were able to make a delicious meal for themselves. After their meal, they cleaned up and went over the the couch to watch a movie. Suna microwaved some popcorn before following Samu to the couch.

They were bickering about what movie to watch when they finally decided on one. They played the movie and stayed silent. You could only hear them munching on their popcorn. None of them wanted to disturb the other so they sat there in a somewhat awkward silence.

Halfway through the movie, Suna's eyes started getting heavy. His eyelids wanting to give up but he tried his best to stay awake but eventually lost to the sleepiness and fell asleep. Samu was watching the movie until he felt something heavy fall on his shoulder.

He looked down and saw a sleeping Suna. Samu looked at his face and he immediately started feeling himself heat up and covered his mouth but tried to keep his movement to a minimum.

"Fuck, he's so cute. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep." Samu is blushing even more now. He contemplates on what to do and finally choose to just put his arm around Suna to keep him comfortable, enjoying this moment as much as possible. This is the moment where he realizes his feelings for the middle blocker. He curses at himself under his breath but suddenly feels the middle blocker move.

"Shit." he looks at him but thankfully he's still fast asleep. He decided to continue the movie and finish it.

Once the movie is over, he looks at the sleeping Suna then at the clock. It's 8:30, he needs to go home. He looks back at the other and carefully shakes him trying to wake him up.

Suna starts opening his eyes and rubs it. When his vision clears and looks up to see Suna's face so close. He jolts up and starts turning red.

"Shit! I'm sorry, Samu!" he apologizes with his face flushed. Samu just laughs at him and stands up. "It's getting late, I should go home." he gives a soft smile to the middle blocker. Suna just nods still covering his red face as Samu walks to Suna's room to get his stuff then goes to the front door.

"See you tomorrow, Samu. Goodnight." he smiles again then walks out of the house leaving Suna there in a blushing mess.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." the middle blocker is panicking. He can't believe he just casually fell asleep on Samu's shoulder. He curses at himself, the embarrassment not going away.

But hold on, he realizes something. The feeling of comfort whenever he's around Samu, and the warmth he gives off makes Suna relaxed. Now that he thinks about it, for the past week or so, he couldn't get Samu out of his head. Whenever he sees Samu, he just wants to bring him into a hug. When he has to leave, he wants to make Samu stay. When he's focused, he can see the wing spiker lick his lips which make him want to kiss him. That's when the realization hits him like a bus.

"Do I like Samu?

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