2 | Eyes Meet Again

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It's the first day of their third year and Suna gets ready for school. He eats breakfast and starts heading out.

The past two days, he had been texting Osamu. It kept him company even if it was just through the screen. Suna was never the type to go and socialize often but with Osamu, it was an exception. He shook off the thought. "It's just a fucking dare, chill out." he told himself. He continued walking and made it to school.

He made it to class and the bell rings. He was sat there waiting for almost 15 minutes and saw the empty seat beside him. He wondered who would be beside him this year, not that he really cared. He put his head down, using arms like pillows and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice enter the classroom and take the seat beside him. Suna slowly looked up and met the eyes with the one he had recently been talking to.

"Hey Suna. Nice to see you again." Osamu gave a warm smile catching Suna off guard. "Ah, hey Osamu. Same to you. Take care of me this year." he slightly smiles back.

"Shit. That smile pierced through me." Suna thought to himself causing a pink tint to appear on his cheeks. One of his friends noticed this and smiled. This 'Harmless Dare' may turn into something more. Then, the bell rang and class started.

It's lunch time and Suna stretches on his seat, happy it was half way through the day. Before he stood, he was approached by a familiar grey haired wing spiker.

"Hey wanna eat lunch together? Let's get to know each other more and this time face to face." Osamu offers his hand to help Suna up.

"Uh, sure. Why not?" Suna takes Osamu's hand and follows him to the rooftop. It's a nice place to relax, Osamu sure has good taste for many things.

Osamu sits down and opens his bento box. Suna sits beside him and eats as well. After short moments of silence, Osamu starts the conversation.

"Ya know, you can call me 'Samu'. I don't mind." Samu looks at Suna and the middle blocker gets lost in his eyes. It wasn't until he saw a hand waving in front of him that he noticed he was staring too much. He looked away trying not to blush.

"Ok then, Samu. So tell me about yourself, other than what I don't know." Samu looks at Suna then up and starts thinking of what to say.

"I like cooking and drawing. I often draw when I have something I can't express in words. Also, I wanna get to know you too." Samu smiles back at Suna making the middle blocker's breath hitch in his throat. He coughed, clearing it.

"Well, nothing much about me. I sleep, play volleyball and eat basically. Nothing interesting." Suna looks away as if he was embarrassed for having such a 'boring life' according to him. However, Osamu just chuckled. Seeing Osamu smile felt perfect to Suna. Once again, he shook off the thought.

The two continued talking and talking until they heard the bell.

It's the end of the school day and there's volleyball practice. They had both decided during lunch to go to practice together later. The two were walking until Suna was suddenly pulled by his friend.

Osamu looked at them but didn't mind as it wasn't his business. He just stood there with a relative distance since he didn't want to be rude and eavesdrop.

"Things might get serious between you and pretty boy there. Careful~" the friend said and Suna just slapped his hand away from his shoulder. "Whatever." was all Suna could say.

He walked back to the wing spiker and continued on to walk to the gym.

When they made it to the gym, the coach greeted them to a new school year. Once all introductions were done, they moved on to do practices. The coach had decided since it's the first day, that they'd do two rounds of two on two matches.

At first, Suna was asked to be someone's partner which he didn't mind as long as they could play. But, something inside of him wanted to partner up with Samu. He sighs, "There's still one more round after. I can ask him there." and walks over to his partner for the first round.

Samu obviously went with his twin in the first round of two on two matches. The twins dynamic is too good for the other pairs and they ended up winning the first round. This didn't actually surprise most because they are twins and all.

As the first round came to an end, the coach told them to find new partners. Suna breathes in, he doesn't know why he's nervous. He's just going to ask a new friend, why the fuck is he nervous? He walks over to Samu and taps his shoulder.

"Oh, Suna. What's up?"

"Uh, wanna partner up?"

Suna breathes in again like he's going to be rejected or something. When he looks back up, he meets Samu's warm smile.

"Sure, let's go." Samu walks away and Suna stands there slightly smiling. He shakes his head to get back into it, it's just a volleyball practice. He catches up to Samu and the second round of two on two matches start.

Practice has ended and everyone is exhausted. Everyone has started packing up and heading home.

While walking home, Suna hears two familiar voices behind him. However, he just keeps walking and minds his own business.

Behind him, the Miya twins.

"Hey Samu, isn't that Suna?" Atsumu says nudging his brother's shoulder. "Ah, yeah. Maybe he lives around here." Samu shrugs it off. He notices is brother giving him a smirk and punches his shoulder.

"What the fuck is up with you?" he asks aggressively already starting to get annoyed by his twin. "Nothing, nothing. I was just thinking, if you're lucky, you won't be single anymore." he grins at his brother and starts to walk over to the middle blocker. Samu tries to stop him but fails.

"Heyyy there Sunarin!" Suna removes his earphones and looks at Atsumu. He rolls his eyes. "Ouch, Suna. I just wanted to say 'hi' with my bro over there. Why ya so aggressive?" he points at his brother who's looking away in embarrassment.

The twins decide to walk with Suna, well Atsumu decided to and dragged the two along. Once they made it to the Miya household, they say their evening greetings and Atsumu goes inside.

"I'm sorry for my brother, Suna. I'll see ya tomorrow. Goodnight." he sighs but gives a small smile to Suna. Suna starts walking away as they wave at each other.

"God, what the fuck is this feeling?"

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