6 | Building and Destroying

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It's just a month before graduation and since that night, everything has been going well. The two are now in an official relationship. Nothing could make them any happier.

They decided they wouldn't want to come out that they were together just yet. They wanted to wait til they were completely ready. School continued normally for them, but outside of class and practice, the two were different.

They weren't like the cheesy couples you see in movies, but they still spent every moment they could together. Samu would often go over to Suna's house, even more so than before. When they could, they'd go on small dates during the weekends. They even sneak out at night sometimes to vandalize public walls with their art.

After a few months of dating passed, things were starting to seem obvious that the two are dating. The first to catch on was none other than Miya Atsumu. He may act narcissistic, stupid and loud, but he isn't dense. Especially when it came to his lovely twin. So after practice, the setter walked over to the two who were ready to leave the gym.

"Samu! Sunarin!" the two rolled their eyes and looked at him with a very much obvious annoyed face.

"What do you want, Tsumu?" and he just smiled at the two. "Oh stop treating me like I'm stupid when I'm not! I know you two are dating~" and suddenly the two boys became stiff and flustered, blushing red. Tsumu laughed at the two and patted their shoulders. "Graduation is in a a month, so make the most out of our high school days together!" He smiled at them and shouted "Let's go!" then he walked away to get his stuff.

"I guess...he ain't as stupid as I thought he woulda been." and Suna just nodded his head in agreement, still trying to hide his blushed face. The two caught up with Tsumu and they walked home.

During the walk home, Tsumu kept teasing the couple. "So how long have ya guys been datin'?" Tsumu says grinning. "U-uh. Shit, I thought we weren't obvious about us Samu." and Atsumu burst out into a laughing fit.

"Yer so funny, Sunarin! Ya guys weren't so obvious, I just happen'd to notice quicker than others." and they look at him. "Guess ya aren't as stupid as I thought ya woulda been." Samu looks at his brother with a look that questions his brother's existence.

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime of teasing, they reached the Miya household. "See you guys on Monday." and Suna started walking away waving at the twins. He watched as they went inside their house before looking back on the path he takes back home.

It was currently 12:30am and Suna was staring at the ceiling. He can't sleep for some reason. So instead of trying to sleep like he's been trying to for the past hour, he gets his phone and scrolls through social media. Suddenly, he receives a text.

[From: Samu]

           Hey, can ya open your front door?

Suna reads the text again, making sure he read it right. He got up and ran downstairs, unlocking the door. When he opens it, to his surprise, he sees the Miya twins standing there.

"Uh, hey Rin. Mind if we stay over?" Suna looks at them and can barely see but he's sure he can see even more bruises on the twins. Suna nods and lets them in. When they reach Suna's room, they settle in while waiting for Suna to set up the futon. While setting up the futon, Suna takes a glance at the twins who seem so broken. It hurts to see them like this, he really has grown attached to them. He finishes setting up the futon and the twins take their place on it.

"Uh, you don't have to answer me but if you're ready, I kinda wanna know what happened. Anyways, I'll be out on the balcony for a bit so get some rest." the twins just nod and they continue to try and sleep. Suna walks over to the balcony feeling the cold breeze. He's visibly worried about the two, but he has to wait for them to open up.

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