5 | Art Tells All

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It's been a few days since then. The whole team was told the vague reason on the twins' situation so they're all there to comfort them. They wanted them to perk back and be back to their usual happy selves. But, they know it's not that easy especially if the reason is that they're having trouble in their own home.

During their break in practice, Suna walks up to Atsumu and asks if Samu is actually ok. Recently, the wing spiker has been showing up with bandages and bruises on his body worrying everyone. Atsumu has some too but it felt like his brother had it worse.

"It's...been rough. Samu has had it worse if I'm being honest with ya. He even protects me." the setter sighs and runs back to practice his serves. 'protects' was the only word that replayed in his head. Were the twins getting hurt? Did their parents have something to do with this? So many questions rushing in his mind, overloading him with too much to process.

After practice, the three walk together to go back to their homes. However, it seems that the twins are asking to stay over again at Suna's place. He just nods at them then going back to his phone.

[From: Friend Group Chat]
Dude, it's just a dare. Why so serious? Did ya actually get attached?

[To: Friend Group Chat]
Fuck off, already. This isn't just a dare anymore. Let me live.

Suna creases his eyebrows getting glances from the Miya twins. He sighs then puts his phone in his pocket. Before the twins could ask he gives them a "It's fine, let's just go." and they keep walking.

Suna was now reminded that this started with a dare. He is reminded that he has to tell Samu about it before everything goes downhill. He is reminded that he had actually fallen for the grey haired wing spiker.

Once they reach Suna's house, they have a quick dinner and get ready to sleep. They finish their homework and finally have time to relax. Atsumu falls asleep and Samu helps him lay down on the futon.

Then, a thought comes across the middle blocker's head. He remembers how he usually deals with stress and all. "Hey, Samu." Osamu looks at Suna who's sitting with his legs crossed on his bed. "I'll show you how I relieve my stress sometimes." and Samu gives him a look as if he's planning something. "Chill, I ain't murdering anyone, ok? I just sneak out to express my feelings through art on street walls." he laughs at the way he described it. Samu seems hesitant but follows his friend anyways, leaving his twin wondering around dream world.

It's about 1am in the morning and the two are out in a parking lot that Samu chose. "If we vandalizin' might as well do it on my dad's private property." Suna laughed at the comment. They were about to vandalize a parking lot of Samu's dad's office building.

"Well, let's see what ya have artsy boy." Samu snarks. Suna rolls his eyes at him and sets his duffel bag down. He opens it to get a few spray cans out and starts his creative side and gets to work. Samu walks off a bit to get some drinks to buy from a vending machine while Suna is finishing up his work.

It's now currently 2:45am in the morning. Suna has finally finished his work and sits back to enjoy the view. Samu is in awe.

"It's not my best work but yeah, I guess that's how I'm feeling right now." he watches as the wing spiker takes a seat beside him still staring at his work on the parking lot wall. It'll probably get washed and destroyed but at least it was there to last a few hours.

It was a scene of a cherry blossom turning into leaves of fall. It was nothing much but it still looked good. For some reason, when Suna looked over at Osamu, it looked as if he had decided his resolve for something.

"What does it mean to ya, Rin? A cherry blossom fadin' into autumn leaves?" this question causes the middle blocker to face Samu meeting his eyes' gaze. He looks away immediately feelings his face heat up. He looks back at his artwork and smiles. Samu is still staring at him waiting for an answer.

"To me, it's like going back and forth between feelings of love. One day it blossoms and all of a sudden fades to heartbreak." Suna laughs at his definition thinking Samu was going to call him dumb. But, those words didn't come out of his mouth. It was just silence at first and Suna tried to break it so it wouldn't be so awkward.

"Ah, shit. Sorry for being so pessi-" and he was cut off by Samu's lips on his. He's shocked but he melts into the kiss. He's been wanting to do this ever since he questioned his feelings that he always denied. He didn't even know he wanted it this much. He places one hand wrapping around the older's waist and the other tugging his hair.

They share a deep, passionate kiss for a while til Samu pulls apart from the kiss. Suna has to admit, he didn't want it to end but then he starts hearing the wing spiker speak. Osamu leans in and presses his forehead against Suna's, lips millimeters apart. Suna can feel Samu's warm breath on his face, heating him up even more. They stay there staring into each other's eyes and Osamu's mouth opens.

"I love ya, Suna. I have for a while." he smiles as the younger's face becomes redder than ever before. Then, he smiles back at the wing spiker. "Kissing you back was already my answer." they both laughed and sighed. They both felt incredibly happy. At least, Suna was able to accept his feelings in time for Samu's confession because who would know what could've happened if he didn't.

Suna looks again into Samu's eyes. He wants to be by this person's side. He wants to support him and love him. He doesn't care that it started with a dare, he's here now. He wants to be able to call Osamu Miya his own. "So this is what love feels like?", Suna asks himself. He doesn't care anymore, he closes the distance between the two with another kiss.

When they pull apart for air, Osamu talks. "So are we dating now? It'd be nice to have you to myself." Samu laughs pinching the younger's cheeks. Suna joins in with the laughter and just nods at his Samu, his boyfriend.

"So, now I know why ya painted that on the wall over there."

"Shut up. You know I suck at expressing emotions and all especially love."

"Yeah, I know. I still love ya though."

"F-fuck off." Suna blushes hard.

"Yer cute, Rin." Samu pulls them into a tight hug. Like before, they enjoy each other's warmth. Suna wants to stay in this position and moment forever. But, even with everything going on, Suna thinks of one thing.

"How am I gonna tell him it was all because of a dare?"

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