Chapter 15

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Blake's POV
I was in my bathroom, looked at the injuries I got and they weren't serious just some scrapes and bruises. They would heal very soon due to my heightened regeneration. I got cleaned up and changed when my phone went off. I checked it and saw that Jake texted.

Jakes text: Hey so something came up and the Christmas party got changed to today. I have notified everyone, including Sarah. It will be at 8pm at my place.

Upon which I see that I have a lot of time and I need to get christmas gifts for everyone. So I grab my wallet and go to head to the mall when I see Sarah walking up to my door.

Blake: Oh hey Sarah.

She smiles and walks up to me, and hugs me. I hug her back, briefly be we separated.

Sarah: Where you off to?

Blake: To get christmas gifts for everyone tonight.

Sarah: May I join, I also need to do that.

I nod and we head to the mall together.

Time skip after mall

We get to my house and we head inside to wrap the gifts. Knowing who Jake usually invites, I have gotten specific gifts for those who will be there and extra gifts for those who I am not sure will be there or people that are new. I also secretly wrap Sarah's gift and once we finish we see we should go if we are to make it.

Sarah: My parents are letting me borrow there car so I can give you a ride there.

Blake: That will be very appreciated since I don't have a car to drive nor a license yet.

I smile as I say that and Sarah returns one to me. We then load up her car and start our drive there. As we drove, I remember it is a bit always. Jake and his parents live in the mountains but it is close enough where he is still able to make it to school. From what I understand is that his parents are quite wealthy. His dad is a doctor and his mother is a nurse. Thinking about it, it is a very interesting combo for them.

Nonetheless, as we head towards Jake's house Sarah speaks up.

Sarah: So, I didn't want to bring this up earlier but I noticed you got some bruises. What happened?

I sigh softly before replying.

Blake: When I went out this morning to start my morning jog, Michael and his friends payed a visit. He wanted to know what happened with my arm and I didn't tell him. Before they would beat the crap out of me to force me to tell them, I made a bargain. If he beat me I would tell him and if I won he had to leave with his friends. I won it but it wasn't easy.

Sarah: How so?

Blake: Michael has been training and taking martial arts so it took a bit before I Uhmm... knocked him out.

Sarah: How did you do that? I know you won't turn down a fight but fighting someone who knows martial arts, that ain't easy.

Blake: I might've smashed the back of his head into the concrete. Not enough to kill him or get surgery but enough to get knocked out.

Sarah remained silent, surprised, but she then let out a sigh.

Sarah: Blake, you have to be careful. Just from what you told me you tapped into a portion of your abilities. If they were to find out, who knows what would happen.

Blake: I know, but right now, we have a party to attend.

I say as we drive into Jake's drive way and parked in front of what seemed like a small mansion. There were already other cars parked out front, so we grabbed our gifts and went in.

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