Chapter 50

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February came quickly. Lacy was so excited as she waited for her little boy to come. They decided to name him Wesson, and I was just so in love with that name.

As her due date came and went, she went from excited to increasingly irritated every day. Poor Aiden would try to do anything he could to make her comfortable or happy and none of it would work.


It was the morning of Valentine's Day and I woke up to a bed covered in rose petals. There was breakfast made on a tray on my nightstand. I sat up and leaned back on the pillows behind me. I grabbed one of the strawberries and popped it in my mouth. It was perfectly sweet.

"Good morning, beautiful." I heard James say. I looked over at him. He was standing in the doorway of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"Good morning, Cowboy." I said as I popped another strawberry into my mouth.

"Do you want to finish your breakfast, or get your present first?" He said with a smirk.

"By the look on your face, I want my present. And I want it bad..."

He loosened the towel from around his hips and let it fall. There was a shiny red bow tied around his most prized possession. I laughed as I reached my arms out to him. He walked over to me and climbed into the bed, kissing me. His phone started ringing, but he ignored it, as he was focused on me right now. As soon as his phone stopped ringing, it started again. He pulled back from our kiss with his brows furrowed. He picked up his phone and saw that it was Aiden.

"Dude, what do you need, I'm in the middle of something..." he said, winking at me.

Aiden's voice was in complete panic as he yelled out, "I DON'T CARE! LACY IS HAVING THE BABY!" James put the phone on speaker, even though I could hear him fine since he was yelling.

"She is in labor?" James tried to clarify.


"Shit! We're on the way." He said jumping up.

We got to the hospital as soon as we could. Thankfully it was only about ten minutes down the road from us. About five minutes with the way James was driving.

When we pulled up outside the emergency room Lacy's car was there with the door open and a bunch of nurses and a couple doctors were moving around quickly. We both jumped out of the car and went to see if she was ok.

As I walked up I saw Lacy in the front seat laid back with little Wesson on her chest. She had an oxygen mask on and there was blood and fluid all over the front seat of the car. Aiden was in the back seat behind her stroking her hair and softly talking to her.

I had tears running down my face as I saw that everyone was ok. When Aiden saw us he slid out of the car and walked up to James and gave him a hug.

"They are both fine. It was just scary as hell getting them here." Aiden said as he pulled away.

"What happened?" James asked.

"I don't know, she started having contractions a few hours ago and it just went crazy fast. I mean start to finish was only like four hours." Aiden said as he ran a hand through his hair. He was still shaking.

"Well, you got her here, and they are ok, that's the important part." I said to him as I rubbed his arm.

"He was born just a minute before you pulled up." He said, shaking his head.

The nurses helped get Lacy out of the car and onto a stretcher to get her inside and in a bed. A few minutes later all the parents were there and once Lacy was settled, we all got to go see her and Wesson. James and I held back and let the grandparents meet him first. Once they were leaving, we quietly walked in, and Aiden placed him in my arms. He was absolutely beautiful.

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