Chapter Two | The Gallows Show

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"CAN YOU EXTRAS get the hell out?"

After the party, (Name) was ushered to her chamber, she was pretty sure it's already midnight. She's tired and spent. Even earlier when Uraraka did her best to keep her awake while she undressed her and changed her into her night clothes, it seems the servant's effort was in vain. (Name) remained tired and was about ready to close her eyes if not for the people currently inside her bedroom.

Bakugou is now beside her, sitting and glaring at the people.

They have decided to bid their King and Queen goodnight. (Name) was thankful they only decided to enter when she was done changing into her nightwear. She cannot have another nor a dozen of people going through her privacy again.

(Name) cringed at the thought, and it almost made her more awake.

"We are all here to wish His Majesty and his wife a good and productive night." One the noblemen said, his name is Kaminari Denki, if (Name) could recall.

"You've done it. Now get the fuck out." Bakugou said, a bit pissed.

The people then started filling out of the room. The ones to be the last to go out was Uraraka, who mouthed a 'Goodluck' to (Name). The Queen waved and mouthed 'Goodnight'.

Kirishima and Mina also chose to be the last to go. They teased Bakugou which earned them a strings of curses from the King.

"Goodnight." (Name) bid them off after Bakugou calmed down. They smiled at her and finally went out then closed the door behind them.

And then it was quiet.

But then Bakugou started yelling again.


After that, (Name) heard multiple footsteps fading as well as snickering and giggles. (Name) couldn't help but smile, amused by Bakugou's friends.

It was quiet again.

And this time (Name) could feel herself more awake than earlier. Scratch that, she's fully awake now. Because currently, she is inside her bedroom, all alone with her husband.

(Name) is not ignorant to what was about to happen.

It was when (Name) had reached the age of 18 when her mother explained the roles of a wife. Including the part where her and her husband must be include in an intimate activity in order to produce children. (Name) is now 20, in the right age to marry and have children.

But with that said, (Name) couldn't bring herself to move just yet. She's afraid if she moves just a little and make a mistake, Bakugou would leave. But she knows she must act too, her mother said that the success of this situation mostly rely on the women's appeal and charms. (Name) also know that the Kingdom's future is in the line. If she failed to conceive an heir now, she doesn't know if she will be successful in the later times.

She dared move her eyes to Bakugou's figure, only to catch something. On Bakugou's palm, little explosions pop off continuously.

"Your quirk, I never asked about it." She started, not looking at him in the eyes. "What is it?"

There was a pause, and (Name) was afraid if she asked a sensitive question in some way. But it seems that she didn't, as Bakugou shifted and laid out his palm closer to her.

"My quirk allows me to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from my palms. I can ignite it to make explosions."

(Name) hummed. "It sounds like a very strong quirk."

"Damn right it is. Who do you think I am?"

"Well, I expect no less from Your Majesty."

"Will you stop that?"

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