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Rose Love Paul

Secrets are not too hard to handle if it lies within a person when the person turns for help to deal with that decimating under wraps, they fuck the lives of others as well. People think sharing their secret is going to give comfort, trust won't be easy henceforward. The minute we share what is enclosed and caged inside us would screw up our life for the rest of your existence. Not everyone is forbearing matching as my Kiran, but sometimes it's best we fetch the hurt alone. Though there are people who are geared up to take a dividend of your despair, it's better to place everything inside you. Some say sharing is always a good remedy for the reduction of suffering and you won't be pushed into depression. I am not depressed, why would I be? Even though my love life is hard, the person I love is a diamond solitaire in my heart and it will always be that way. I have found a warm quilt in Kiran's shoulder which I couldn't even get from my own mother, so even if Kiran advances me with a sense of sexual urge in the name of love, I am not having a feeling as if I am sexually tormented. It's with my concern Kiran's does everything, only thing is...I can't enjoy the way Kiran enjoys the candied wound.

Duplicates are used for many things mainly for spare parts. In Kiran's heart, I am not a spare part and that's the overriding problem. Kiran loves me so much that sometimes Kiran sees me as the flower Rose. It was in seventh grade, it was stock-still fresh in my memory. My crime partner participated in the drawing competition and had drawn a beautiful red rose in the sheet ignoring the original content. All and sundry laughed at Kiran, saying it was the most ignorant thing they have ever seen in their life because every sheet is filled with a face of a human drawing whereas my dear became a laughing stock in front of many seniors. Though Kiran was disqualified, it happened till my twelfth grade. Yes! Every year Kiran would join in the competition and would draw beautiful roses not caring about the topic. As the years passed on, the rose became more beautiful than ever. The only problem is Kiran's obsession crossed the limits in every part of my life. Some days I would set out to change this unrequited obsession, but every time I take a step, it backfires and I would be one more inch closer to Kiran.

"Standing under this banyan tree, what are you imagining? If it's about me, Rose. I'd be happier," said Kiran in the morning voice.

"Don't you have a home, to begin with, I don't understand why you wake up at my house most of the days," I asked, covering our distance.

" a beggar, can you provide me with food...shelter and most importantly..."

"Most importantly?" I asked fuming in anger.

"Most importantly, sex!" said Kiran chewing my lower lip.

I pushed Kiran and took a seat under the tree not caring about my granny who is watching from the balcony. "Every second, I give you space and you are biting me, Are you a rabid dog? Don't you have any shame to openly admit"

"Admit, what my darling?"

I took a long breath and hushed myself a bit. Kiran sat in front of me and inched closer to my face.

"Stop it, grandmother is watching," I said shyly.

Straight off Kiran stood from the spot and turned to the direction of the house and spotted my granny on the balcony. "Granny! Granny!" shouted Kiran in a reverberating voice.

"What are you doing?" I panicked.

Failing to comply with me, Kiran continued the screenplay. "Grandmother, Can you bring two mugs of black coffee?" Kiran shouted at the direction of my grandmother.

Black coffee again? Oh god! I can't, I muttered to myself and walked inside my house to get ready for the college.

After getting hot to trot for the day, I sat at the dining table for the morning nourishment. The breakfast was so tranquil and everyone enjoyed the food in silence.

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