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Rose Love Paul

Two fighters in the danger zone. One fights for the union and the other struggles to fly the coop from the league. My incarnation is burning in rage and dilemma and is equally chiefly in love. Can anyone believe it? I love this person and I don't want to marry this person. If this marriage happens, love will compete in a generous role than anyone can imagine, yet...

"Why don't you want to marry me?" Kiran blazed in pique pushing me in the silted soil. My back hit the trunk and I could feel that excruciating pain shooting through my upper body. I layed in the soil looking at the sky not caring about the question.

"Answer me! Answer me now!" Kiran's voice vroomed like a thunder bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I know Kiran, I mean..." Kiran cut my sentence by glunching daggers at me but the shitty conversation continued anyway.

"Just don't put on a false front like you are hurt, get up! Get up from the ground and...answer my fucking question!" said Kiran stepping near me crushing the delicate soft newly bud sprout.

I poised myself and stood in the spot and dusted the dirt from my white clothes. My coffee donor watched me like an international spy noticing my every move.

"Isn't it leaving?" asked Kiran and I stopped dusting the dirt and looked at the seething eyes. "Rose! I asked you a question! Isn't that dirt...easy to remove?"

"What are you hinting?" I asked in return but I know the explication and why wouldn't I be? This is a thing, though we know it, we pretend not to know it, appreciation to this wonderful human wisdom. Does its job wisely at times like this.

"You know, this dirt in my dress and I can remove it using..."

"Using?" waited Kiran with a questioning look.

"There are many brands to use to remove this dirt, you know..."

"You see Rose, we both are very much enlightened of the conversation between us. put it shortly, I'd say...some dirt, the dirt you have enthusiastically done will always stay as a stain in your life. Even the holy water doesn't hold the competency to vanish that dirt. My dear Rose...even roses grow in specks of dirt and so you are, but my sweet darling..." paused Kiran. "The love I had for you is not some fucking dirt better learn to wash that dirt you have done in your life...If at all you can wash, you can wash it only by means of this marriage."


"Be prepared Rose! We are getting married!"

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times with the same person. I loved Kiran every single day of my life and am still unconditionally in love with this amazing person, but holding the coming titles of husband and wife is not what I really want.

"Rose! If I want to make it dirtier, I can..." said Kiran and my face became paler each second. Kiran's eyes did not move from my spot and this is ridiculous.

"How could you? How could you Kiran?" my voice stammered and I took two steps back from this possessed demon.

"Trust me, this is not a joke Rose. All the troubles and dangers are waiting for you if you don't agree with this..."


Kiran smirked at me and my eyes got wide and I felt it could come out of the sockets anytime soon. Instantly, I felt a hand on my back and soft feathers combed my skin.


"You know, I want you to be healthy, don't break your ribs Rose, I know you have hurt yourself in the trunk of this tree, careful dear! Next time..."

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