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"No, ma'am. Please, you don't understand." Tania pleaded into her cellphone hoping the AAA woman could work a miracle.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but our trucks usually never go that far. If you want a tow, it'll be a couple hours before we can get someone to you." She could already feel her leather seats warming as she sat on the side of the two lane highway.

Her 2016 BMW X5 had never failed her before but 9 hours into her 12 hour trip, the car seemed to have had enough. The dark tint of her windows kept her cool against the blistering sun and peering eyes of passing traffic.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay. I'll wait here." Tania sighed in defeat. A mile sign up ahead told her she was just on the outskirts of Boone County. A place she'd been trying to avoid on her trip but her faulty gps and broken down car seemed to have other plans.

Leaning back in her seat, she rechecked her purse to make sure her gun was still tucked inside. The glock 43, along with a concealed carry license, had been a gift from her best friend after learning she'd be traveling on her own.

"No AC. No water. No snacks." She slapped her forehead as she pouted at the course of her trip. Thankfully, she'd just charged up her portable charger so she'd still have a working cellphone.

Multiple trucks zoomed past her, each one almost identical to the last with their rusty bumpers and faded paint jobs. It didn't slip past her that each one was filled with a white person.

"Why'd you have to buy land near racism capital?" She questioned her father as she watched a large tractor mill past her. The potbellied, red faced white man frowned down at her bmw from his high seat.

"You better keep it moving, John deer." She muttered to the man before turning back to her phone. Her text notifications let her know the next tow truck wouldn't be available until 8:15pm- almost 4 hours from now.

The next message to catch her eye was from her best friend questioning where she was on the trip. Tania felt like crying as she filled her best friend in on her situation. If the heat didn't get to her, surely some racist would.

A 45 minute conversation with her best friend served to calm her nerves and she leaned her seat all the way back once she'd hung up the phone. Rechecking that all her doors were locked, Tania closed her eyes and tried to relax.

A knocking on her window woke her from her unexpected nap and she quickly sat up in surprise. The uniform on the man before her let her know he was a state trooper and her stomach immediately began doing flips. The highway seemed desolate now with just her car and his.

His strong jaw roughly chewed at a wad of gum and the hat on his head shielded his face from the sun. She could see that he clearly worked out from the way his uniform cut into the muscled forearms. Another tap on the window shook her from her staring and she took a deep breath before slowly opening the door.

"Sorry. My car's broken down and the windows are automatic." She rushed out as he took a step away from the cracked door.

"Slowly step out of the car for me." He ordered, his hand finding its way to his service weapon. Tania moved at a snails pace as she cracked the door further and softly stepped onto the rock covered path.

Her choice of outfit, while keeping her cool, was now a mistake as she noticed him take in her plump figure. Tania kept her hands up as she slid across the backdoor before using her foot to close her door.

"I should inform you I do have a concealed carry license." She muttered as he eyed her.

"Turn around and place your hands behind your back." His gum popped loudly as he pulled his cuffs from his belt and approached her. Tania knew better than to argue so she simply followed directions. The calloused hands roughly grabbed her wrists and snatched them further behind her back before tightly placing the metal on them.

Deviation (bwwm) *Mature* CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now