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"Surprise!" Tania jumped, her hand immediately swinging her purse in front of her. When her eyes finally adjusted to the room, she smiled as she took in all her friends and colleagues surrounded by birthday decorations. She was officially 31 now, her life flying before her eyes as if years were seconds.

It hadn't hit her that she was getting old until she finally cracked 31. Although she felt downtrodden at the idea of aging, she found joy in all the success that bloomed with each passing year.

"You guys! Awww, you didn't have to." Her smile lit up the room as she took in all the gifts, decorations, and people in her condo. She'd officially established salons all across the country and hit her first million earlier that year.

"Yes we did. You're officially an old woman and it's only a matter of time before you're in a walker." The usual teasing voice of her best friend caused her smile to increase.

"Yeah and you're gonna be the one wiping my ass." Tania joked as she pulled the woman into a hug. Malaysia was two inches shorter than her and only 28 yet the pair were thick as thieves.

"Don't let her get in your head. You're aging like fine wine, baby." Weston's 6'4 figure met her eyes before his deep voice met her ears. He had been her boyfriend for the last 3 months. With brown skin, curly hair, and a mamas boy personality Weston was every girls dream.

"Thank you, baby." Standing on her toes, she puckered her lips to meet his approaching lips.

"Yuck!" Malaysia fake gaged as she pulled her designer top over her nose as if there was a smell.

When Tania had confessed what happened in Arkansas 4 years ago, Malaysia begged her to go back but Tania had a business to run. Within 3 months of returning home she saw such an increase in business she had to open a second shop.

Things between her and Flint were steady for a while but as their lives demanded more and more of their attention, they seemed to drift apart. What used to be every day calls dwindled down to texts once a week. Over the last year she hadn't heard from him.

"Girl, fuck you. Take your bitter ass in there and find you a man." Tania cackled at the jab.

"A man? What's that? Never heard of it." Malaysia rose one of her perfectly arched eyebrows as she took a sip of the drink in her cup. Tania was 99% sure it was alcohol.

"Yeah we know." Weston chimed in. Immediately she and Tania turned to scowl at him.

"Don't talk about my best friend like that." She lifted her lip at him in disgust. It was one thing for her to take stabs at Malaysia, but anyone else better keep it cordial.

"Nigga wasn't you homeless for 8 months? My love life is the last thing you should be worried about." Tania choked on her spit before turning her head to hide the laughter that exploded out of her chest.

"Tania! You just gon' let her talk to me like that?" Weston and Malaysia often got into it. Weston had been nice at first but she remained firm in her dislike. She'd always told Tania he was "stealing" her from her real man.

"And is. It's me and her first so get over it." Malaysia spoke as Tania tried to gather herself.

"Alright guys, be nice." The weak comment was all she could muster at the altercation. Their fights were often but Weston remained respectful for Tania's sake. If it hadn't been for her and the fact that Malaysia's father was a boxer, she was sure Weston would have strangled the woman by now.

"Man..." he trailed off before simply walking away.

"You need to drop his ass. I can have my dad kick his ass if you need the excuse." Malaysia stuck her nose up at his retreating figure. She'd always had such high standards in men that the few who passed often got cut for minor things later. Weston was considered scum to her.

Deviation (bwwm) *Mature* CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now