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Tania made him two sandwiches while refilling Penelope's food bowl. She hurriedly buried her head in the metal dish devouring the dry kibble. Instead of the beer he wanted, Tania settled on a glass of water and headed back upstairs.

"Knock knock." She announced at the door, waited a moment, then entered the room.

"Did you take your medicine yet?" Flint held up the bottle of antibiotics that Dr. Kelly had given her. Since she'd been thrown in dirt near the pasture it was better safe than sorry to take them.

"I'll take it once I'm done. Here." Taking the bottle from his hand, she sat it on the nightstand then passed him the plate.

"I appreciate you taking care of me but don't forget about yourself. Come here." Flint set the plate to his right before pulling her to sit on the edge of the bed. His arm snaked around her waist to keep her seated.

"I haven't forgotten about myself, but you're a priority considering you can't take care of yourself."

"Yes, I can." His tone was clipped and a determined look sat on his face. Tania could tell independence was a sensitive subject from his knee jerk reaction.

"You're right, I'm sorry. You're more than able to care for yourself, but I want you to relax and let me help. Can you do that for me?" Her words trailed off to a nurturing whisper as she rubbed the tension from his forehead. Running her hands up through his hair seemed to work in relaxing his tense body.

"Yeah." He muttered as he laid back against the pillows she'd stacked behind him. Reaching over, she took a piece of the sandwich she'd cut in half and gave it to him. "Thank you."

As he ate, she made her way back downstairs to begin cleaning. It would be an easy task to complete while her mind pondered whether she'd be flying back home or staying the extra week. She didn't want to waste money but she couldn't leave her shop unattended for long.

The sound of shuffling feet made her look up from her kneeled position at the shoe rack. Flint slowly stumbled down the steps in nothing but black boxer briefs, his hand cradling his ribs carefully.

"You're supposed to be resting!" She half scolded, stumbling over herself in an attempt to help him down the rest of the stairs. The skin on his back was soft and warm beneath her hand and she fought the urge to trail it lower.

"Thanks," he huffed as he leaned his large form against her smaller, "and it's okay to walk around. I've broken plenty ribs before, darlin, no need to worry."

Tania didn't bother asking how he'd broken ribs before considering he worked on such a large farm. Instead she allowed him to continue his journey into the kitchen.

"What'd you come in here for?"

"I'm getting that beer." He chuckled as he watched her face scrunch in a faux scowl. Tania felt her toes curl at the butterflies that filled her stomach when he leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. She'd never experienced a partner so open to affection.

"No! No, no." She called as she finally processed his words. "You can't have alcohol while you're on medication."

"I've drank plenty of times on Kelly's meds- it's all just basically Tylenol anyways." He shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"Flint!" She slapped his wrist lightly, her face stretched in surprise.

"That is so unhealthy. You're not doing that in my presence, kill yourself by your lonesome." A cackle bubbled up from her stomach at the crude joke but she quickly covered her mouth as to keep it down.

"Of course. I'll be sure to schedule it in as soon as you leave." His eyebrows were lifted and he smiled brightly. It was a relief to see that he hadn't taken the joke to heart.

Deviation (bwwm) *Mature* CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now