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"No. No. No. I've been sweating in that hot ass car for hours. I need a shower first." Tania chuckled as Flint attempted to unzip her top.

"Ok." He muttered into her neck before zipping it back up. Both of his hands grabbed a handful of ass as he pulled her retreating body closer. "I think we can still kiss though."

"You want to sit here kissing for hours?" She spoke through his pecks to her lips.

"Horny teenagers do it all the time." He chuckled, the sound sending vibrations through her body. Tania could get used to this.

"Yeah but we're grown ass adults." The point went unheard as he continued kissing up her neck and pulled her bottom lip into his mouth. Her body buzzed with eroticism as he nibbled on the flesh, his hands squeezing her ass softly. Penelope's whines echoed in the cabin and Tania pulled away before Flint could deepen their kiss.

"I think she has to use the bathroom." Tania chuckled as Penelope paced the short distance between the left and right backseat.

"Of course she does." Flint grumbled as Tania climbed from his lap and plopped back into the passenger seat. He sent her one more heated gaze, his eyes falling to her lips, before opening his door and whistling for the dog to join him outside.

Alone now, Tania couldn't stop the excited cackle that ruptured from the pit of her belly. Her fingers found her lips and she stared at Flint's large silhouette in disbelief. She hardly knew anything about the man yet found herself incredibly attracted to him. Exiting the truck, she fixed her shorts before joining Flint at the edge of the grassy field.

"You should probably grab your things from your car. We'll have to leave soon." He motioned to her car with his head. Tania checked her phone to see that sunset was quickly approaching and she couldn't stay out in the dark.

"You're right." She nodded before beginning the process of emptying her vehicle. Although she only packed one bag for the trip, she made sure to collect everything from her car in case someone decided to break inside while they were gone.

"What's she doing?" Tania questioned as she finished moving her things and joined Flint in watching Penelope.

"Probably smelled a opossum." Turning to her, he motioned to the dirt lining the edge of the field. Looking closer she could see the footprint of a small animal embedded in the dirt.

"Is she trained to hunt or is she just curious?" Penelope scurried across the field and Tania gasped as she watched the animals fight. The opossum bared it's teeth to the Labrador but she remained unfazed as she aimed to kill.

"I never trained her but I never discouraged the behavior either." Flint chuckled as he watched along. Penelope finally managed to get a hold of the animal and fiercely shook her head, the opossums cries reaching them.

"Jesus." Tania muttered, turning away at the first sight of blood.

"Squeamish?" He questioned as he stepped closer and placed his arm around her waist.

"I just hate the sight of blood. Freaks me out." She winced as Penelope popped her head up. The dogs white snout now colored red. There was something disturbing about the sight of blood that often led to her feeling queasy.

"Guess I shouldn't mention that I butcher my own meat." His chuckle was heard above her gag as she pulled away from the embrace. Almost immediately her mind conjured up imagines of bloody cattle hanging from hooks.

"That's disgusting." She scrunched her nose as if she could smell the scene. Crossing her arms, she stared at him in disgust as he laughed at her.

Deviation (bwwm) *Mature* CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now