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Tania sat on her couch with a cold bottle of wine next to her. She'd already finished her first glass and was searching for a new movie. After closing shop, she stopped at a local vegan restaurant to get a pizza for her chill night.

"You sure you don't want to come?" Malaysia pouted as she stood at the edge of the couch in her skin tight, freakum dress.

"Yes, girl. I just want to chill and watch scary movies. You go have fun." She smiled as she leaned over and refilled her glass.

"You know I hate leaving you but this bitch too turnt tonight. I'll call you once I get there and when I'm leaving." The pair hugged, said their goodbyes, then Malaysia hustled to the door.

Once alone, Tania turned the t.v. up and cuddled into her blanket. She'd already pampered herself earlier and the soft blanket felt good on her freshly shaved legs. Just as she settled on a movie her phone buzzed with a call.

Surprisingly, Flint's name met her eyes and her hand froze as she reached for it. Why would he be calling her at 10PM? She watched it ring for another second before finally answering.


"Hey..." immediately she could tell he'd had one too many beers. His tone was slow and the rustling that followed didn't sit well with her.

"Have you been drinking?" She asked for clarification.

"Yeah, went to the bar and forgot how to count." His boisterous laughter filled her stomach with butterflies and she fought to keep the smile off her face.

"Don't drive. Call Farrah to pick you up." Tania knew the dangers of drunk driving. She didn't want anything to happen to Flint or other drivers.

"...she won't. Could you come get me?" The sentence caused her blood to boil. What did he mean she won't come get him? What kind of girlfriend would put their man in danger? The mere thought of Flint being hurt caused a lump to form in her throat and she became breathless.

"Yeah, of course. Send me your location." Getting up from the couch, she placed the wine back into the fridge and slipped on her slides. Her shorts and oversized t-shirt would have to do.

As she pulled up to the small bar, she couldn't help but chuckle as she realized it was exactly the place a man like Flint would drink at. Small, quiet, yet full of quality liquor. She texted him she was outside and kept an eye out.

The doors opened and he slowly made his way out. Once he'd made it to the street, he placed his hat on and looked around for her. She flashed her lights a couple times before slowly pulling forward. He smile brightly and pulled the hat from his head again as he began to walk towards her car.

"Hi, beautiful." He spoke as soon as he pulled the door open and stood there with a wide smile.

"Get in." She rolled her eyes before pulling her purse from the seat so he could get in. Once seated, she placed her purse in his lap and pulled away from the bar.

"You know how to get home?" He reached back to put his seatbelt on, a concentrated look on his face.

"Yeah, um, I think it's on 63rd."

"There's no houses on 63rd. That's all businesses." She laughed as she pulled into a gas station parking lot so they could figure it out.

"Fuck, I guess I should be honest right about now." He laughed but the sentence unsettled her. There was a hesitant tone to his words and he pushed his hair away from his face. The strands were silky, easily falling back into his eyes and Tania missed the feel of running her fingers through his hair.

Deviation (bwwm) *Mature* CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now