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"So what's for dinner?" Tania sat her chin in her hand as she watched Flint begin looking through the fridge. They'd both showered and changed into pajamas- Tania's being a pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt since she couldn't wear her usual birthday suit to bed.

"Uhh, what do you vegans eat?" He scratched his head as he pulled out a Tupperware container filled with chicken. Due to his shower his hair remained wet and loose strands often stuck to his forehead.

Standing up from her leaned position at the counter, she opened the fridge to begin her assessment of what she could eat. Multiple meat products littered the fridge along with other animal products.

"I can run out and grab something if there's nothing you can eat." Flint's voice was a lot closer and she could feel his large body hovering behind her.

"No, it's fine. I can figure something out." She bit her lip hoping he'd be satisfied by her statement and move. The heat from his body seeped through her clothes and lit her body on fire. Focusing back on the items in the fridge, she settled on a tomato sandwich. Pulling out the ingredients, she was careful of not breaking anything as she navigated what she could use.

"What are you making?" Flint's plate was filled with chicken, the smelling causing her stomach to growl. It's brown skin and meaty aroma usually didn't bother her but something about the meat seemed so delicious.

"Tomato sandwich." She muttered as she averted her eyes from temptation. Checking the label of the bread loaf she assured there were no animal products before slicing two pieces.

"Oh! Do you have a toaster?" Turning towards him, she smiled as she saw his lips covered in chicken grease and his hands covered in barbecue sauce. He quickly wiped his face, his cheeks becoming red, before he strolled over to a tall cabinet.

"I thought it was just tomatoes and mayo on a tomato sandwich." He commented as she began slicing into an avocado after popping the bread in the toaster.

"If you're a boring person, yes, but I'm a big bitch who needs something more." Tania joked but her laughter was cut short as he grabbed her arm and pulled her against his chest.

"Stop talking about yourself like that. Your body is absolutely perfect and I'm going to worship every inch of it tonight. Eat up, you'll need the energy." His heated words were whispered in her ear as his hands squeezed her closer. All she could manage was a trembled ok before he moved back to his plate.

Thankfully, her bread popped up and she hurriedly grabbed it to assemble her sandwich. Tomato, avocado, and hummus were laid across the bread before she seasoned it lightly. A hum of approval left her as she took a bite and each of the flavors danced across her tastebuds.

"Want a bite?" Offering the sandwich to Flint, he eyed the insides questionably before leaning forwards to take a bite. His face took on a look of concentration as he processed the food. A giggle escaped her as his eyebrows shot up and he reached for the sandwich.

"Maybe being a vegan ain't so bad." A groan of approval echoed from him as he took another bite.

"Hey, big foot! That was like half my sandwich." She pouted as she eyed the large bite mark that'd taken most of the sandwich.

"Big foot?" He chuckled before biting into a piece of chicken.

"Yeah, you're about his size." Taking a bite from her sandwich, she remained upset that she only had one bite left despite how little she'd eaten. Flint placed his hand across his chest in faux hurt at the comparison. His reply was interrupted by a knocking on the door.

"Come in." He called without care. Tania's eyebrows immediately shot up and her stomach turned with nervousness. It hadn't dawned on her that they shared different views on life until now. Tania often triple checked every lock in her house while Flint left his front door open even as it neared midnight.

Deviation (bwwm) *Mature* CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now