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Tania woke with a start, her eyes darting across the dark room and her chest heaving. Sweat drenched her body and her heart beat so fast she could feel it in her ears.

Once she realized the room was empty, she placed a hand to her heart and took calming breathes. Her dream of she and Flint on a date quickly turned into a bloody nightmare- one that didn't seem too far from the reality she'd already experienced.

She pulled the shirt from her body before simply standing in the middle of the room to gather herself. It all seemed so real. The silent, calm darkness of the room made her feel safe. Shuffling to the closet, she pulled another one of Flint's shirts over her head.

"How does it still smell like him?" She muttered to herself as she pulled the hem up to smell the fabric. Turning to head back to bed, her body froze as she noticed a dark figure laid on the ground nearest to the window.

"Flint?" She whispered as she moved closer to the nightstand where her purse sat. If she needed to grab her gun, she wanted to be as close as possible.

Immediately a groan filled the room and she screamed before she could stop herself. Her hands flew to the bag and grabbed the heavy metal.

"Tania! It's Flint! Hey!" The familiar voice yelled as he ducked down behind the bed once more.

"Jesus Christ!" She exclaimed with relief as she allowed the gun to fall to her waist.

"Sorry, darlin' I forgot you were a gunslinger." He laughed as he stood once she'd placed the gun down.

Turning, she placed the gun back in her purse. "Fuck off," she smiled with relief evident in her voice. Sliding back into bed felt better knowing Flint was in the room.

"Mind if I join you?" Motioning to the other side of the bed, he raised an eyebrow. Tania could make out his shirtless body in the moonlight that slipped through the window.

"After scaring me and creeping in my room? Mm, no." Sitting up on her right elbow, she turned on her side to face him.

"Well technically," he began as he peeled the other side of the covers back, "this is my room. So I can do what I want."

"Oh really?" She raised an eyebrow as he smiled cheekily down at her. Despite his words he made no effort to slide into bed.

"Mmmhhh, but like the gentleman I am, I won't get in unless invited." Crossing his arms, Tania couldn't stop her eyes from trailing to the bulging muscles in his arms. His smooth skin glistened lightly, presumably from her shea butter. The length of his broad shoulders made his waist look slim and accentuated the pure masculine energy that flowed from him.

Her eyes met his and she could only stare. The confidence he held within himself shined brightly behind his eyes and Tania knew if he got in that bed she'd fuck him. Her eyelids felt heavy with lust as she imagined all he could do to her.

"You can't keep looking at me like that and not invite me into bed." The strain in his voice let her know he'd been thinking exactly what she had.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea now." A soft tremble took over her bottom lip as her body pulsed for him.

"I think it's quite possibly the best idea." Unfolding his arms, he allowed them to fall to his sides exposing the tightly clutched fists. His growing excitement called to her eyes but she remained fixed on his face.

"Okay, but no funny bus-" Before she could fully complete the sentence, his large body slid into bed and slammed his lips to hers. Immediately her body flattened to the bed, her legs opening to allow him to place himself between them.

Deviation (bwwm) *Mature* CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now