Act 13: Villain Training Is A Thing?

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Morpha's P.O.V.

Brief Recap: After Destiny was forced into joining our ranks, she was thrown into the basic VTPB... don't ask me what that means. I don't remember. But she got to meet the last person who we recruited... he was sort of supposed to be a mentor to her.

But on with the story.

"THIS DOESN'T FEEL VERY NATURAL!!!" Destiny cried out as she struggled for balance. She was walking a tree branch tightrope the doctor made between two trees that were 100 feet apart... and 200 feet above the ground.

"Just imagine you can fly!" Castor yelled to her from next to me. I remember when he was doing similar things to this... he's not that much older than Destiny... forget which dimension we picked him up in though.

"But I CAN'T fly!" she argued, flinging out her arms for balance. "I've TRIED!"

"Well then I JUST DON'T KNOW what to tell you!" And then right after that, she fell. She landed in a mysteriously generated pile of feathers... that's strange. It wasn't there before...

"Destiny!" Castor helped her up as she rubbed her head with one hand. "Are you okay?! You have HALF A BRANCH in your hair!"

"Aside from the fact that I landed headfirst, I should be fine..."

She's shown such a strong resistance to forced submission... it's almost admirable. But maybe if she forgets from whence she came like what the doctor wants, then I won't have to kill off everyone she knows in the future...

That sounded very strange in my opinion... why did I sound so strangely happy about killing? That is not me...

"Hey Destiny, I was wondering..." My ears perked up upon hearing this from Castor. Normally he's either straightforward about things the moment he thinks them, or he just stays quiet...


"Maybe we could hang out later? I want to know about you and what your life was like before... before all this..."


"Maybe later... I have somewhere I have to be this evening... but could you cover for me if someone asks where I am?"



But where does she have to be...?


Destiny is going through "Villain Training".

Castor is such a cinnamon roll. If you don't know already, you will soon.

Morpha is so stressed out when Castor endangers her plans, but is rather careless when it comes to a mass genocide?

What's up with that?

I don't know.

I make strange characters.

That's it.


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