August 2032

9 1 0

Magenta brought hope. She became my talisman.

My sister stumbled into our camp on a stickily warm night, surrendering herself with a grim determination.

She did not know that I was there, alive, so her shock was refreshing and expected.

Magenta told me all about falling in love with a young woman named Penni, and their escape to the wilderness.

The blank look on her pretty face when she explained how Penni was found and brutally executed was equally as haunting as her bone-rattling sobs in the night.

She rebuked me, however, for waking her from her night-terrors. She told me that she dreamt of Penni, and as long as she could see Penni's face and hear her voice, then she didn't mind the nightmares.

I still minded.

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