Chapter 1

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Emily Robertson walked through the familiar halls of Liverpool's training facility at Melwood with a black string bag in her hands which carried her brother's football boots.

Her brown hair that had subtle carmel highlights fell about half way down her back and was slightly curled from the plaits she had it in while in bed last night. Her black leggings clung tight to her legs and waist, showing of her curves. A small section of her stomach showing due to the white cami top she was wearing along with her grey cardigan. On her feet she wore her white Nike Air Force 1's.

She smiled and greeted the members of the Reds facility that she had grown to know since her brother's signing with the club. After turning the corner she finally arrived in the canteen where the boys were all sat having breakfast.

She spotted her brother sat with Trent, James and Gini at a table in the middle of the room having their breakfast prior to training. The brunette greeted her brother's teammates as she passed before coming to a stop by their table.

"Sup Arnold." Emily greeted the Scouser as she hit him across the back of his head.

"Ow." Trent complained as he held his head where he had been previously been his by his best friend.

"Don't be such a baby I didn't hit you that hard." The brunette assured him before holding out the boots to her brother. "The professional footballer who can't even take his own boots to training. Andrew Robertson ladies and gentlemen."

"You're a life saver Em." Andy smiled as he took the bag from his sister's hand.

"I know." Emily replied smiling. "Hey guys."

"Hey Emily." Both James and Gini greeted their teammates' younger sister.

"How was Rocco?" The brother questioned his sister as she stood next to their table.

"Yeh he was fine. Him, Rachel and Aria we're going for a walk when I felt the house." Emily explained.

"5 minutes boys." One of the managers called out as he stuck his head into the canteen to warn the boys about training which was starting soon.

"I better go. I told Rachel I'd be back in time to go to lunch." Emily spoke as she turned from looking to the door back at the 4 boys in front of her.

"Bye Em."

"You still coming over to mine later?" Trent questioned the brunette before she left.

"Uh. I really don't want to." She complained.

"Don't be such a baby. And I wasn't really asking, I was just reminding you." The Scouser smiled.

"You're so mean." Emily reminded him.

"But you love me anyway." Trent told her.

"Whatever. I'll see you guys later." The brunette turned around and started to walk away but as she did she nearly walked into one of the boys. "Oh I'm so sorry."

"It's fine sweetheart. Don't worry about it. I know I'm hard to resist." The curly haired boy said with a smirk.

"Don't flatter yourself Neco." She smiled at her brother's teammate before walking away and out the door of the canteen.

"Hey man, I wouldn't go there if I was you." Curtis warned his best friend as he watched the brunette girl walk away.

"And why's that? You fancy her or something?" Neco questioned looking away from the door to his friend.

"She's Robbo's sister, mate." Trent spoke as he walked by with his breakfast bowl in his hands before Curtis could say anything. "And my best friend. So don't hurt her."

The Welsh boy stood and took in the words that left the Scouser's mouth as Trent walked away. That girl was his teammate's sister. Which just made all of this even more interesting.


That evening Emily arrived at Trent's house and walked up to his front door. Their friendship had surpassed knocking so she just walked on inside and through the his living room where some of the boys were sat with FIFA on the TV screen.

"Hello boys." She spoke as she entered the room.

"Hello love." Neco's voice whispered in her ear as he appeared behind her from the Scouser's kitchen.

"Emily please be on my team." Trent called over from his couch where he was being beaten by Rhian during the game.

"I'm always coming to your rescue." She informed him as he sat down next to him and took the remote from her hand. The boys watched as she came back from a 2-0 lose to winning 4-2.

"And that's my best friend." The Scouser pulled the brunette into a hug as the game returned to the main menu.

"You needed a girl to save you it doesn't count." Rhian complained as he placed the remote down on the couch.

"Don't be so sexist." Emily scowled Rhian as she handed Trent the remote before heading into the kitchen to grab herself a bottle of water.

She opened her best friend's refrigerator and glanced around before spotting the last bottle of water sitting on the shelf. Before she could reach out and grab it an arm came over her shoulder and it took it.

"Hey." She exclaimed as she turned around to find Neco standing with her water. "That's mine."

"Actually I think it's mine. I don't see it in your hand." He said with a smirk as he played with the water bottle in his hands.

"Well it would've been in my hand if you hadn't stole it."

"This bottle of water isn't the only thing I'm gonna steal from you." The footballer whispered seductive as he stepped forward and the hot air from his lips brushed over ear as he did.

Her breath hitched in her throat at how close he was. Their cheeks practically touching as he lingered next to her face for a moment longer before stepping back. He threw her one last wink before taking the water bottle and opened it as he walked away.

"Emily come on. We need you." Ben's voice called from the living room. Emily released a breath that she didn't realise she was holding before heading back into the living room to the boys.


Hello everyone a short update today but I'm happy with how it turned out.
I don't know if I wanna do a couple longer ones compared to more short ones. Let me know what you think.

Until next time


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