Chapter 15

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A week had passed since the night of James Milner's charity gala and nothing had changed. It had also been a week ago since Neco and Emily had spoke a single word to each other.

Emily had spent the week at home enjoying spending time with her niece and nephew while Neco indulged himself in his training which unfortunately meant having to face Emily's older brother.

The only positive to the whole situation in Neco's case was that no one knew what actually happened between the two that night, not even Andy, so things were relatively normal at Melwood beside the dark cloud that seemed to the following the Welsh teenager around.

Everyone at Liverpool eventually grew tired of Neco's mood change and Curtis took it upon himself to the find out what was wrong with his best friend.

The boys were leaving the canteen to head outside for training when Curtis grabbed Neco and pulled him aside for a quick chat after clearing it with the boss first.

"What's up?" Neco wondered as they walked down the hallway.

"I should be asking you that. You've been in this mood since last week. What's wrong?" Curtis asked his friend as they came a stop outside the reception area.

"Nothing." Neco replied casually.

"That's the biggest lie I've ever heard come out of your mouth." Curtis said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm fine. I swear." Neco told Curtis as she started to walk back down the hall.

"Fine. I'll just ask Emily then." Curtis called out after him causing the Welsh National to stop walking. It was then that Curtis realised he had struck a nerve with his best friend. "Did something happen between you two? Is that why Robbo's acting weird too?"

"It's none of your business." Neco replied as he turned around to face Curtis again before he started to walk away again.

"You're my best friend man. I think it is my business. Especially when you're walking around acting like this." Curtis said as she chased after him and grabbed Neco's arm to stop him from going any further.

"What do you want me to say? That I haven't spoken to my girlfriend in a week and I'm not even sure if she is my girlfriend anymore and it's all because of you." Neco exclaimed in anger unintentionally sharing the last piece of information.

"What has it got to do with me?" Curtis asked feeling confused.

"Nothing. I shouldn't have said anything." Neco replied as he turned to walk away. He turned the corner and headed for the door leading to the pitch before he was met with someone.

"Where are you going?" The Scottish footballer asked the younger boy.

"Training." Neco said casually as she tried to side step the defender but was blocked once again. "What Robbo?"

"I don't know what's going on between you and my sister and I'm not going to pretend like I do. But one thing I do know is that the last time you and Curtis fought, you two swore you'd never let a girl come between you even if that girl is my sister. So go back and apologise right now and explain everything to him." Robbo explained. He saw first hand what happened the last time the two Academy best friends fought and he didn't want to see it again.

Neco glanced back over his shoulder to where he had left Curtis after his small outburst of revealing the information about his fight with Emily. He sighed and realised that Andy was right.

"Okay, I will. Thanks." Neco said as he turned to walk away before he turned back to look at Andy one last time. "Tell Emily I'm sorry. There's more of a chance she'll listen to you than me."

"I will don't worry." Andy assured the young defender. "Now go."

Neco gave him a grateful nod before walking back down the hallway in search of his best friend of 13 years.


"Emily." Andy Robertson called out in search for his sister as he dropped his football bag by the front door after closing it behind him. "Em."

He headed into the kitchen to find it empty along with the living room telling him that his family must be upstairs.

"Rachel. Emily." Andy continued to yell as he took the stairs two at a time. After finding both his children asleep in their separate rooms, he continued down the hallway in search of Emily.

"What are you doing in here? Where's Em?" Andy asked as he arrived in his sister's room to find his wife sat on the edge of the teenager's bed holding a piece of paper in her hand.

"She's gone Andy." Rachel spoke softly as she stood up and walked towards her husband before handing him the note she was holding.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Andy wondered as he took the note and began to read over it. He even read it a few times just to make sure he was processing the information right. "What are we going to do?"



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"Emily. It's me again. Please answer my calls. I'm really worried about you. We all are. Just come back home please."

Emily sighed as she listened to yet another one of her brother's voice mails as she gazed out the train window at the sights passing by at high speed.

She leant back in her seat as the intercom announced that they would soon be arriving at their destination.

Her phone beeped again signalling another text message from either Rachel, Andy, Trent or any of the Liverpool boys who were all worried about her well-being. But the one text she wanted to receive never arrived.

Emily glanced over the phone screen for the last time before turning it off and getting her things ready as the train pulled into the station.

She took her stuff and began to walk off the train along with several other people who had reached their destination.

It was a train station she was very used to at this stage but hadn't been to in a while. Deep down she really didn't know why she was there but she just had to get away from it all and this was the place Emily need to go to find her answers.


Who thinks they know where Emily is? Let me know your guesses in the comments.

Until next time


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