chapter 20 amaris

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I was in shock, I stared at my brothers feet were the glass had broke. We were feet from the table and I know the wind did not do that.

I wanted to throw that glass at him but didnt despite how I felt. "This is going to be tougher than I expected" my brother said looking at the glass than to me.

"How did you do that?" He asked and I just shrugged "I have no clue I really wanted to throw that glass at you but didnt because I knew you would get mad" I told him as I concentrated on the broken glass.

I noticed bits levitating off the floor but when I tried harder the door burst open and the glass fell back to earth. "What's going on in here?" Alex asked as he walked next to me.

"Nothing we were arguing and I threw the glass at him" I told him and my brother agreed with my statement. Alex seemed content with the answer we gave him and nodded "we need to talk, after we figure out if you are the Phrophacy" Alex told me. I nodded to let him know that I was listening even though I was looked at mark with questioning eyes.

"While you were both talking we came up with ideas to test and see if you have other powers" alex said sounding excited. I looked at him and saw his eyes bright like lights.

"Okay let's hear some of them" gestured my hands in front of me for him to keep going. "Well-" his voice shook and I saw his eyes flicker back and forth from my brother to me. "We thought, we could give you a task to do and you can try and use a power to do it. Like start a fire, throw a ball at someone, things like that" his hands were clasped together.

"Those sound like good ideas" I said smiling at his nervous stance. "Let's go outside and I'll try the fire one" I told him, walking past him and to the door.

"Are you coming?" I called behind me as I saw everyone standing in the hall looking at me. "Coming!" They all yelled in unison. When we got to the yard I let them make a circle around me and they sat a log down in front of me.

"You know what this is, try to use your mind and start a fire" damon said. I nodded my head and thought about the log on fire, nothing happened "well I guess the fire things a fail" max said and I looked at the long one more time before I walked to it. "I have a plan" I said smiling.
I placed my hands on the log and thought about fire.

Nothing seemed to be happening and I was starting to get angry "why is this not working" I said obviously getting angry. The next thing we all knew the log burst into flames and my hands were stained black. I fell back and looked at my hands "um guys?" I asked looking back up at everyone.

"That was amazing!" Alex said smiling at me and I felt proud but I still didnt feel the pull of being his mate. I kinda made me sad I really what to feel the pull.

"Maybe that's why hes treating us like he is, because we arnt his mate!" My fox told me and I felt my heart sink.

~hello my lovelys I just wanted to apologize for not posting alot I'm a senior in highschool and have alot on my plate along with a job and I'm trying to get everything done. I'll try and post more but I really cant promise anything. I hope everyone has a good day, sorry the chapters  a little short I'll try and make the next one longer and more exciting.

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