chapter 22

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I woke up in the middle of the night to growling at the window. I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes with the back of my hand. I looked over my vision still kinda blurry, there stood Hunter in wolf form looking out my window.

I crept out of bed and hunter glanced at me then back out the window. I look out the window and didnt seen anything at first. Then my eyes caught the two foxes fighting in the yard.

"That's just my brothers" I tell him as I crawl back into bed. He growled once more before hopping on my bed with me. He curled up in a ball with his head pointing to the door, he looked like a mad puppy.

I looked at the clock and I frowned 'what are my brothers doing outside this time' I asked myself as I heard a loud yelp. I jumped to my feet and to the door before hunter knew what was happening and down the stairs.

I made it outside and saw a fox holding another by the throat. He was gasping for air and my instincts kicked in. I jumped off the porch and shifted mid jump. My tail flowing behind me as I connected with the fox.

He lost his grip and I rolled the two of us, I had him by the throat and growled with such anger. I heard someone gasp and I glanced up to see jasmine and my brother mark. "Shift" my brother commented.

I shook my head, shaking the fox in my mouth "we know hes not our brother but let him go so we can ask him questions" damen said standing next to mark.

I glared at them all but spit him out and rubbed my tongue on the grass. I shifted back and glared daggers at the fox who cowered away from me. "Shift" I demanded my voice so deep and full of rage that I saw damen flinch.

The fox shifted into someone I had never seen before "who sent you?" Mark asked the shaking, boy? "No one, I I ran away from the kingdom" he explained and i felt so bad for scaring the poor kid.

I heard a growl and glanced up to see hunter "the king had sent his knights out to collect men for his army. He took my mother and father. Theh left me in our shack and didnt come back. I had to run away because I heard them planning to burn down the town" the boy cried and j felt anger once again hit like a hammer to the chest.

"Father is getting ready for war" I thought as the boy kept talking and I zoned out. "We need to move my progress forward, more training and more practice" I said as I felt my stomach knot. "This is going to be happening sooner then we thought". As of that day I actually started putting forth effort and energy into my training.

I got stronger and faster with everyday, I had started training with the warriors and was getting better at hand to hand combat and as well as in my fox form.

Days grew into weeks and weeks to months before I knew how to control my power. I could move things with a thought and burn things with one touch, but something was missing.

We had a spy sent into fathers kingdom to send us a warning of when it was getting closer for war. We had not received a message but it seemed to calm and without a say of anything something felt wrong.

"We should be getting news soon, dont worry to much about it" max told me as we trained. "Easy for you to say, what if he found out about the spy" I asked and he seemed to be losing patience with me.

"Look princess our s pl y is fine. He sends word of what is happening to Alex every week. You need to focus on training and using your powers to help us win this war" he was right I needed to get my head in the game.

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