The Fourth Crusade

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(Fall POV)

Fall: "What do you mean you have a team already on it?"

Ozpin: "I have a team of Huntresses that are investigating and taking care of the White Fang. You and your Hunters do not have to concern yourselves with them. Instead, you can focus your efforts on the Yahar'gul hunters."

Fall: "My people are perfectly capable of taking on multiple targets Oz."

Ozpin: "I know but with your numbers focused on the Yahar'gul problem the sooner it will be solved allowing your people to be close at hand and ready when the festival goes into full swing."

Fall: "Right. Who are these huntresses anyway?"

Ozpin: (Chuckling) "Very trusted allies, I assure you."

I take one last sip of my tea then get up from my chair. It was late in the evening so the view from Oz's office was too good to be true. When I was little I would sit right up on the window and watch the colors of the world change from blue to orange and reds while Oz worked late. The elevator doors opened and Glynda walked out.

Glynda: "Professor Ozpin, Amber is stable but... Fall."

Her gaze shot to me and a warm smile appeared.

Glynda: "I've heard that your mission a week back was a success. I hope none of you were injured."

Fall: "No, but our bikes took a beating. Poor things."

Glynda: "What matters is that you and your team are safe." 

We share a smile between us. I decide to take a more serious turn in topics.

Fall: "What's wrong with Amber?"

Her face soured.

Glynda: "She's stable but it will only last for so long. We need a new Fall Maiden soon."

Ozpin: "In time. We will find one."

Fall: "Yeah, then what? Force Amber's soul into their body."

Both of them frowned. They know how strongly I feel about their little plan with Ironwood.

Ozpin: "It will be her aura not her..."

I didn't let him finish.

Fall: "Yeah, and you know where aura comes from? The soul. Either way the person will be affected by it. Drastically."

Ozpin: "We will further discuss this when James arrives, okay?"

I reluctantly walk to the elevator. I press the button for the bottom floor.

Fall: "Have a good evening you two."

They nodded to me with smiles and the elevator doors closed. Ever since Ironass has joined the inner circle I've had issues with his methods. He's no risk, high profile. I'm high risk, low profile. The two don't mix well as you could imagine. He has a distaste for me and denounces the Fourth Crusade saying that we're 'Too unpredictable'. Matter of fact, that's exactly why we're so effective against Salem and her tactics. We keep a low profile so she can't put the spotlight on us. The elevator doors open and I step out. I look down at my watch seeing that it's already past eight and the meeting starts at nine. I start to walk in the direction of our HQ to try to make it on time. The Fourth Crusade is a group I formed two years ago now. We're a group of elite hunters that do whatever it takes to stop Salem. I'm the only one in the group that is actually part of Oz's inner circle so information is limited to members of the Crusade. They only know of Salem which is enough. Ozpin was reluctant at first but quickly changed his attitude after we started to get results. Johnny was the first member that joined then JD and Raiden. After they joined, our numbers expanded even more, now we have eleven formal members total. Twelve if you're counting Qrow. I called a meeting for all the members to meet in Vale for a debriefing and to protect the festival and tournament. I walk into our HQ after a very long walk then look at the clock. Two minutes late. At the front door to the war room stood Onyx Darkwing.

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