(Vol 2) Act 1

139 2 6

(??? POV)

Roman: "Where are the kids?"

I turned around to look for Emerald and Mercury. They were no where to be found. I pointed to a White Fang soldier with fox ears and she just shrugged.

Roman: "Don't just (Shrugs shoulders) go find them before I play pin the tail on the fox. Now where were we?"

I put my hand on Roman's shoulder.

Roman: "What? I can only assume you want to find them. I know because you don't talk like another someone I know."

I nodded at him.

Roman: "Fine, make it quick. You're the only one here worth a damn beside the wicked witch of the west and the lovely Neo."

I left the warehouse and went on the hunt for the kids. Along the way I spotted a shop owner on an empty street. Dust till Dawn. I came out of the shadows of the alley way and approached the old man.

Old Man: "Oh hello, how can I... !"

I grabbed him by his throat and pulled him up into the air. I reached into my pocket and retrieved the photos of Emerald and Mercury. I keep photos of people so I can get my point across without speaking. I shoved the two pictures in his face and loosed my grip against his throat.

Old Man: (Frantically coughing) "Tukson's Book Trade."

I let him go and he fell to the ground. I walked off toward the direction he pointed me in. I soon arrived in front of the book store. Sprinting around back I slipped into the store and found myself in the storage area. Making my way to the front I hid behind a door after hearing Emerald's voice.

Emerald: "Oh, what about Violets garden in paperback?"

Mercury: "He's got it, hardback too."

Emerald: "Oh, options are nice."

Mercury: "Eh, no pictures."

Mercury slammed a book closed.

Mercury: "Hey do you have any comics?"

Tukson: "Near the front."

Emerald: "Oh, no, wait. What about, Third Crusade?"

The tension in the room was rising. What were they doing? They were not told to take this target down. These kids need to learn to obey orders.

Tukson: "I... don't believe we carry that one."

Mercury slams another book closed.

Emerald: "What was this place called again?"

Tukson: "Tucson's Book Trade."

Emerald "And, you're Tukson?"

Tukson: "That's right."

Emerald: "So then I take it..."

Fed up with their game I kick the door open and grab Tukson. I pulled him into the back and put his head over a sink. He is struggling but I can handle it. I unsheathe my Chikage and slice his throat wide open, then hold him down over the sink making sure all of the blood gets in it. He continued to struggle for a minute then he progressively slowed down to a halt. He's gone. I pack his body in a bag and throw it in the dumpster out back then clean the sink. Exiting into the front of the store Emerald and Mercury didn't look happy. I quite frankly don't care. 

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