(Vol1) Act 5

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(Fall POV)

Its finally the end of the month and my team is returning from their mission. Team RWBY and JNPR were accompanying me to the landing area. In the past few weeks I've became decent friends with them.

Weiss: "I'm so excited!"

Yang: "Why? It's Fall's team."

Fall: "You'll find out in a few minutes."

We were approaching the landing area when a Bullhead landed. The door opened and revealed three men. The first to drop out of it was Johnny. He had long black hair that went down his neck. He had a full black leather outfit which included a jacket, pants and boots. His bright yellow eyes glowing like always. His chain whip was wrapped around his torso and a lever action shotgun hung off his hip. Raiden and JD followed.

(A/N: This is Raiden for those who don't know

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(A/N: This is Raiden for those who don't know.)

(A/N: This is JD for those who don't know

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(A/N: This is JD for those who don't know.)

I waved them over. Weiss jumped up and hugged Raiden in a death grip.

Weiss: "I missed you so much!"

Raiden: "I missed you to little sis."

RBY and JNPR: "Little sis?!"

After Weiss released Raiden from her death grip he walked over to me and the rest of team followed.

Raiden: "How did it go with Torchwick?"

Fall: "I wish I had better news. He got away."

JD: "What? How?"

I turned and pointed at Ruby. The rest of the team looked at her.

Ruby: (rubbing the back of her neck) "Um... Hi."

Johnny: "So these are the new students?"

JD: "Well, are you going to introduce us?"

Fall: "Right. Team RWBY and JNPR. Meet the rest of team FREK. The one with white hair is Raiden Schnee, the leather covered man over there is Johnny Blaze, and tall, blonde, and stupid over there is James Dominic Fenix. JD for short."

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