Bloody Qrow

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(Fall POV)

Fall: "So you're Yohanna's contact."

Qrow: "Yep."

Qrow sat down next to me and ordered a drink as per usual.

Fall: "Didn't think you would like working with a person so by the books."

Qrow: "Your right, but she knows what she's doing. I found something not to far north of here and it was crawling with Yahar'gul hunters."

Nothing was mentioned in those documents or that map we stole about anything in this area. I know Qrow is reliable when it came to info and anything Salem so I listen.

Fall: "We going to check it out together or am I doing this alone?"

Qrow: "What are you nuts? I wouldn't just leave you to fight off that many by yourself. Besides I've got to get in a little practice."

Fall: "Going soft now are we Qrow?"

He waved his hand in front of my face then grabbed his drink downing it in one go. We got up and walked out of the bar. I followed close behind Qrow as he lead me deep into the forest.

Qrow: "How's it been kid?"

Fall: "Fairly good, just been busy."

Qrow: "I can relate to that. How's Ruby? I've heard you're her so called Guardian"

Fall: "Ruby's well, she's grown a lot sense coming to Beacon."

Qrow turned around to face me and smiled.

Qrow: "Thanks to you. Yeah, I've gotten letters about this Fall guy who's like her mentor."

Fall: " Different guy, but I've heard he's pretty good looking and one hell of a fighter."

I retorted with a devilish smile. Qrow just laughed and we continued on the path.

Qrow: "So? What do you honestly think of her?"

Fall: "Who? Ruby?"

Qrow: "Don't play dumb kid."

Fall: "She's..."

I had to choose my words carefully due to the fact Qrow was super overly protective of Ruby.

Fall: "Ruby's a smart and ambitious girl. A good fighter, though could use some discipline. I value her as a friend and fellow hunter."

Qrow: "Hmm... right."

I'm honestly not quite sure if I angered him or satisficed him with my answer. It's sometimes hard to read him even with my semblance. Qrow started to crouched and I followed. We made our way through the bushes then came across a few cages. One or two had Grimm trying to claw out of them but the others are empty.

Fall: "Was Port here or something?"

Qrow: "Good guess, but no. Yahar'gul hunters were here a few days ago setting these up while taking away others that were filled. My guess would be that their trying to have a Grimm Bu-cocky but no sane person would attempt that."

Fall: "Are Yahar'gul hunters sane though."

Qrow nodded his head a few times.

Qrow: "Good point."

He pointed further north.

Qrow: "I saw them head up that way to some old village. Want to check it out?"

Fall: "Isn't that why I'm here?"

Qrow: (Chuckling) "I was just being polite."

We move through the clearing avoiding the cages then come across a old hamlet. A few Yahar'gul hunters patrolled the outskirts while others were sorting cages full of Grimm. One cage or should I say box caught my eye. It was huge compared to the rest and looked reinforced.

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