2. When it all landed

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When it all landed

I'm tired of my thoughts
They weigh me down, feels like I'm drowning
I'm tired of my flaws, they fill me with anxiety and I
Honestly, I'm done with hating pictures of myself
And tryna be like everybody else
—The girl in the mirror(Bebe Rexha)

THE DIAMOND on my hand felt as if it weighed heavier than it really was. It felt as if I had failed the stone as well. It seemed daunting as if giving me a look of discontent. I removed the ring and put it on my table. I had put it on again on my way home because I didn't want it to get lost.

Wrong. I just wanted to feel it one last time.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I tilted my head as all the events of the other day flashed through my mind.

"My mother has decided to do everything for the wedding." Zach had announced.

We were in the hall where we had decided to host our wedding. When he dropped this.

"What? You know we were going to decide this together?" I looked at him perplexed.

"Listen she's wanted to do this since I've been on my first date."

Yeah, as if that would help. This was my first wedding, hopefully my last, I ain't giving up on this.

"I won't allow this." I domineered.


"I just won't. It's my wedding."

"It's mine too, you know?"

"Yeah I can see that."

"You know what, I have had enough." He had said in his calm voice but there was anything relative to tranquility in that moment.

Something clicked and I just blurted it as soon as it came to my mind.

"Fine then, we might as well call off the wedding." My eyes had widened at what just spat out of my mouth.

Zach looked at me all astonished. He shook his head and tried to approach me but I turned and walked away as fast I could.

I can't believe I did that.

Three hours later to that incident I got a message from the CEO, of the company I worked at, to resign by the morning since they couldn't employ me risking their company. Well, Zach was powerful but I never realised to what extent. However, I did not want to find it out that way.

So there was no alternative left but to grieve and gravel. Hence, my night at the club which was an epic fail.

Or maybe there was other options, but my heart just won't accept any other.

I called my assistant and let her make arrangements for my resignation she said she'll send it to me in an hour. I likewise told her that this would be the last job she would be doing for me. She wasn't happy.

Well, no one likes job hunting.

I certainly haven't done that in a while.

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