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Cameron had bent down to grab the spare key from under the mat and unlocked the front door to her mothers house.

She walked in to see 6 boys and 3 girls sitting on the couches just chatting away with one another but had gotten silent once she had walked in.

Amy and Lauren were sitting together on one couch as Amy was braiding Laurens hair, and Michael was sitting with Tyler on his lap, Luke was messing with Alex as she was cuddled into his side. Calum was fixing his  hair, and Ashton was talking to Harry.

But once it got silent Ashton had gotten up quickly and went over to his beautiful girlfriend and kissed her softly on the lips leaving a small tingle behind. Cameron smiled and waved to everyone in the room and took Ashton to the backyard where they could lay in the grass and look up at the stars like they did a while back.

Its been a year since Ashton had rushed to Cameron at her dorm and kissed her confessing his love for her. And you can already guess what happened next.

But as they were laying down in the backyard with Cameron laying her head against Ashtons chest she spoke.

"I have news" she looked up at him as he looked down and starred into her eyes waiting for her to finish. "I um..I"


"Im pregnant." She looked away and waited for something bad to happen but the bad something never came.

"Really?" She looked back at him and he had a grin on his face that could touch his ears. She nodded and he smirked pinning her to the ground and straddled her. He leaned down close to her ear and whispered;

"That doesn't mean you have to stop calling me daddy"

Its over!!! Thank you for reading!! <3

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