chapter 4

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Dear Ashton.

you almost caught me.

I really need to stop pulling at my sleeves because it just makes things more obvious. but luckily you didn't stop me when I walked past you. and im thankful for that.

I don't need you worrying about me. even though im sure you wouldn't anyway.

but you actually spoke to me.

and your voice. holy shit your voice. its perfect. I just wish I could hear it more. but thats not likely to happen. im sure us running into each other while I was coming out the bathroom was a one time thing. and that you won't talk to me again for a while.

but im proud of you to say the least.

tour. for a whole year? you guys haven't even wrote a song yet. I guess its as a opening act for other bands? I don't know.

im just proud of how far you guys have come.

keep it up Ashton.


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