The Truce And Some New Information

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Harry was stopped in his tracks. He HAD been making his way to the carriages, it was the end of seventh year, the war had been won. But, Draco had made his pause. His head hung low, before gazing up. Harry had to hold back an applause.

  Jesus this boy is beautiful, he thought, and hung around to see what he wanted. "Truce"Draco simply said, still holding his gaze. His silver eyes clouded, hiding his emotion. But Harry could tell he meant it.

Draco had suffered during the war, with a loss of his father, and a lot of bulling in the assembly held after.Harry stuttered, weighing up the pros and cons, before replying with a simple "yes".

Draco held out his right hand, harry shook it, feeling the blonde's bony fingers wrapped around his, much, much stronger fingers. A smile played on the boys' lips.

Draco had been waiting for this, not quite a friendship, but something not far off. Walls fell down, and for a moment his mask slipped. Draco pulled himself up, not letting emotion penetrate him, he was overjoyed. Hermione called Harry, and both boys slipped from the trance.

Draco's back straightened, passing Harry, whispering as he passed ' scared, Potter?', Harry replying like a second nature ' you wish'. They both laughed before boarding the train, remembering their duel in second year.

Time skip

The trolly lady scooted past, her feet shuffling along the varnished floor, making a squeaking sound. ' Anything from the trolley dears?' Harry pondered, watching as Ron held out 2 knuts, taking a box of Bertie Botts every flavour beans, greedily chomping them down. It wasn't long before he swallowed something nasty, and squeezed his face like a lemon. Harry laughed, and handed the lady some coins, and asking for a chocolate frog. He opened the box, and disappointingly discovered the picture was a reflection, labled 'The Boy Who Lived'

After the lady passed to the next carriage, a familiar mop of copper hair opened the door, accompanied by Hermione. ' Harry! ' Ginny said, promptly siting herself down next to Harry, planting a kiss on his cheek, it felt weird, like a sense of doom approached him every time she got too bear. But he smiled, the war was over, and he was going to be free of the Dursley's in just a few weeks.

The train chugged on, and Harry was getting used to the dull ache of boredom in his stomach. He watched as Hermione and Ron played a game of "Guess that flavour". It always ended badly, with someone getting a vomit or dog shit. He stifled a laugh, remembering Ron's face when he landed a bogey one.


Harry felt around in his bag, looking for a last minute book Hermione had got him from the library. She had been researching one of her dozens of extra projects 'Creature Inheritance'. It apparently was very rare, you had to be one of the purest bloodlines to even get a rat or weasel.

It wasn't commonly taught about of course, if you had a chance, (and Harry really didn't) then it would be up to your parents to fill you in. Of course, Harry had  no parents, and came from a long line of creatures, so Hermione had taken it upon herself to 'fill him in'.

Harry sighed and opened the first page. From what he could see, the basics were you got some special powers related to your ancestry, and maybe got some features like ears or wings, depending on your creature.

What really sparked Harry's interest was mates. Every magical being had a mate. They needed their touch to survive, and if rejected, they would die. 

There were different kinds of mates though. Many were just dominant or submissive, but few were equal. The soulmate they were called. Both Dom and Sub, balanced, and incredibly rare. The last recorded soulmates were before Hogwarts, they were thought to be extinct.

Harry yawned. The book was boring, and he needed to get as much rest as possible before going to the Dursley's. They were sure to beat him into nightmares. He curled up and slept while the train went chugging along the Scottish countryside.

Hi! This is my first time writing a fan fiction, sorry if the grammar is bad or it doesn't make sense! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I'll update when I can! -kayden

Word count = 742

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