St Mungo's

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Sirius left the kitchen, planning on heading upstairs. It was past midnight, and he was tired, exhausted. He was still healing from the veil, he had very barely gotten out. It had drained a lot of his energy.

Sirius was firing spells left and right, before turning to his cousin, Bellatrix. "It's over Bella!" He cried, not watching his step. However, she was. "Stupefy!" She cackled as Sirius was thrown back, into the silvery white  trail of souls, and Harry's cries of pain. Bellatrix stopped laughing. A green light shone form the mists, and pushed out. This time Sirius was laughing.  When he stopped to say something, he had the attention of the whole room. "Looks like it wasn't my time, cousin." He said twirling his wand before standing up straight. The fight continued.

He started plodding up the stairs, only looking back when he heard a small whimper. He turned around in alarm, he found a small, malnourished child, looking around 17. He had raven hair and sparkling gr- "Harry!" He gasped, rushing to assist the weak boy.

Harry looked up and smiled. He was drunk on adrenaline from last night, and was exhausted. "Sirius." He smiled into his words, wrinkles forming, but only slightly, he could hardly move. He passed out in his godfathers arms, who immediately carried him inside.

"Kreacher!" Harry heard Sirius barking for assistance, then he passed out again, to weak to keep his eyes open. 

Sirius was rushing to St Mungo's on his motorbike. When he found Harry he had been surprised at how weak he was, and at  the small feathers behind his ears. They had shimmered, reflected like a mirror onto Harry, reminding Sirius that the boy needed help. Now. He knew he could get to the roots of the feathers at Gringotts after a quick assessment. He looked back. Harry had curled up in a foetal postion, still wearing a patchwork of bruises. Sirius hit the accelerator.


Harry awoke to a clean white room, lights blinding him. He covered his eyes in alarm, quickly moving his arm while trying to hide his many scars.

 Sirius was sat on the other side of the room, head in his arms, looking more than worried. His head shot up when Harry stirred, he was trying to sit up. 

"Harry!" he said, jumping out his seat, only to sit back at the hand gesture of a nearby nurse. "Mr Potter," he started, studying the clipboard at the end of his bed. "How are you alive!" He eventually got out, staring at the vast number of injuries Harry had  acquired over the years.

"Multiple broken bones, cracked ribs, bruises all over body, fractured skull..." the nurse was then interrupted. By Sirius staring over the nurses shoulder, eyes gleaming with worry. "Harry?" He inquired "How the hell did you fracture your skull, and not notice!?" His tone was almost a screech. 

"Skull? Oh, cricket bat." Harry's tone was flat, he knew he had multiple injuries that had cracked his skull, mainly Dudley and his 'gang'. The nurse looked pale. Harry hadn't realised that what the Dursley's had inflicted on him was anything worse than what everyone else had. Turns out it was much worse. 

"Harry, it looks like the only thing holding you together, is your magic!" The last word had been strangled out, like he wasn't expecting it. The nurse went on and on to Sirius, about something or another. Mainly the newly cracked ribs.

The nurse had told him to go back to sleep, and to Harry's surprise, he was exhausted. He was handed a dreamless sleep potion, and could barely get the last droplets down his throat before he fell back onto the rough pillow, fast asleep.


When Harry awoke, Molly Weasley had taken Sirius's place, talking to the nurse, fussing over Harry. Sirius now sat outside, talking to Ron, probably about quidditch. Hermione sat with Ginny, going over a book, or some kind of literature, both their heads burrowed in it. And to Harry's surprise, he saw Madame Pomfrey conversing with the nurse, who had previously been helping Harry.

He looked around the room more, no one had realised he was awake yet, so he had time to bring together his thoughts. They went to the book he had been reading, on, what was it, creature inheritance. He ran through the paragraphs in his head

...dragons are one of the rarest inheritances, due to a climb in dragon hunting in the late 19th century. Wixes will experience great pain on the eve of their 18th birthday, and will grow different features depending on their sub-species. Some will show no signs, due to blocks placed at birth. Most will grow wings and hor... 

Harry skipped a bit, moving on to the next creature,

...Phoenixes are incredibly powerful creatures, and enhanced by inheritance. Most Wixes with creature inheritance are more powerful than there animal counterparts. The most powerful Phoenix is the moon Phoenix, whose powers are related to the shadows, and can control most of there other elemental counterparts...Phoenix mate for life, and many Wixes cannot live without their mate. Most Phoenixes are dominant, although few are shared. When in close proximity with your mate, you may feel a slight pull in your lower abdomen, and a sweet scent, almost like amoretia, will 'fill' your senses. This is your creature telling you to go to your ma... 

The paragraphs went on and on, and they were filled with different creatures and their features and mates. Harry felt nauseous, not being able to choose who you love, being tied to someone? Not his cup of tea. He felt a crackle in the air in front of him.

 Harry glanced up, this time being greeted by a letter, from the one and only Gringotts bank.

Hi! I don't know if anyone is reading this, but hi! If anyone is wondering what a Wix is, it's the gender neutral term for witch or wizard. Bye! - kayden 

Word count= 1003

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