CHAPTER 6. kidnapping.

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The next day Peter was walking to school. -I feel bad for gwen. I think if I hurt her. When I see her. I apologized to her, said Peter, walked a few blocks. Peter meets the blonde. That this one had a tender smile. -Hello Peter, good morning. Says the blonde with a happy tone. -Gwen me, I'm sorry for yesterday. Peter says.-What are you talking about, I don't remember what happened yesterday. I just remember going to your house to do the school project, says gwen. Piter seems strange to him, that gwen forgot that. It is also as if it had been restarted. - Cerium, do you remember anything? - Asks the chestnut. We already have to go to school or we will be late, says gwen who starts walking. Peter just stays quiet. And follow the blonde. Gwen had not forgotten what had happened. Flashback ... After Peter's rejection. She does what she does every day. Feeding your self from that dimension. Then spider-gwen sits on the wall.-you know, I've already declared to my peter. But. He rejected me. She said she liked that red-haired bitch. What do I do? Says spider-gwen. Her I just kept quiet. Since your other me. She had gone crazy.-you know, nobody is going to take it from me. What to do. Good night my I. Says spider-gwen. End of Flashback ...

in fact not. We already have to go to school or we will be late, says gwen who starts walking. Peter just stays quiet. And follow the blonde. Gwen had not forgotten what had happened. Flashback ... After Peter's rejection. She does what she does every day. Feeding your self from that dimension. Then spider-gwen sits on the wall.-you know, I've already declared to my peter. But. He rejected me. She said she liked that red-haired bitch. What do I do? Says spider-gwen. Her I just kept quiet. Since your other me. She had gone crazy.-you know, nobody is going to take it from me. What to do. Good night my I. Says spider-gwen. End of Flashback ... After school. Peter decides to do his spider work. The city was quiet. Until you get a call from gwen. And he answers.-What is it, gwen? Spiderman asks.-Peter help me. Villains found out about my identity. And they came to my house. I can't handle them. Help me !!!! Gwen was screaming. That then hangs up the call.- Hay voy gwen, says the arachnid that goes to gwen's house. But this. He did not know about the plans of the yandere gwen.Spiderman arrives at the house of gwen. And he sees that the door was open. Spidey enters carefully. And he sees a disaster. "Gwen, where are you?" The arachnid was shouting. He was alert. Since he didn't get a response from his blonde friend. But someone behind was approaching. Not even his arachnid sense had warned him. What happened next. It is that mysterious person. Hit Spideman in the back. It falls to the ground.-Why didn't my arachnid sense warn me ?. 1He wondered. At that, he takes another hit. That knocks him unconscious. A few hours have passed. Spiderman regained consciousness. -What happened? The spider boy wonders. That he remembers. That he was hit by someone. This is trying to move. But he was tied up with his arms and legs. This attempt to break them. But he couldn't make it. Then look at her neck. I had the device. Which is used by mutant specialists. They used it to disable abilities. That explained why spidey couldn't break it. Since he lost his powers. That he was in a dark room. In that. Someone is heard opening the door. When they opened the door. The light from outside. Light up the surroundings a bit. It looked like a basement where spiderman was. A shadow looked down the stairs. Then it comes in front of him. Due to the dark. I couldn't see that guy's face. Since the light from outside. I couldn't light the whole basement.-Hi Peter, said a female voice. That later removes the mask. And with a spotlight that was above. Pull on a small chain. And turn on that spotlight. Peter changes his face to one of surprise. Seeing who it was. It was gwen. That he had the face of a true psychopath. "Gwen, what are you doing?" Peter asks confused. "This is all your fault." Gwen answers him. "" My fault? "Asked the chestnut. If you hadn't noticed mary jane from the beginning. I love you peter, says gwen-what do you love me? You call this love. Why are you doing this? Asks Peter.-I already told you pet. I do it for love. I have to tell you a secretin. I'm not from here. I'm from another dimension. Says spider-gwen. "What are you talking about?" Asks Peter. I come from another dimension. Since in my universe. My pet died in my arms. One day I saw kingpin. Building this. Says gwen, which shows you the device. -It is an artifact that helps you travel to dimensions. I used it to come here. When I saw you with MJ. And I wanted you to fall in love with me. Since to my peter I could not confess what I feel. Also. You are an amazing boy. Just like my peter. No, maybe better, says gwen-if you come from another dimension. Where is the gwen of this universe? Peter asks-well, it would be strange if there were two gwen stacys here. So. I had to kidnap myself. Sounds slit. Jiji. Says the blonde. "Where did you get this necklace?" Asks the chestnut. I knew it would be difficult to have you trapped. So I remembered our confrontation with that mutant. And what they used to wipe out their powers. So I stole this necklace from that agency. Says gwen. "You are crazy. Spiderman says to his face." What am I crazy? Why are you talking to me like that?. This I did for you. Hereinafter. You will never see anyone else. Only me. And anyone else. I will take good care of you. We will get married. And we will form a great family together. In fact, I made you eat. 1 says gwen, showing a plate of food. 2-I'm not hungry. Peter says-I know you're hungry. What would I do if you starve. Come on pet Don't be picky. You need to eat, says gwen, taking a spoon of food. And she puts it in front of the chestnut tree. Peter had no choice but to eat-you see, you were hungry, says gwen, even after he ate everything. Gwen kept talking to Peter. - neglect by school. I will bring you homework. Also. I already told your aunt mey that you will leave the city for a while. That you have a job with stark. So. Everything will be fine, says gwen. In that, Peter begins to feel sleepy. -Are you sleepy ?. I think it has already taken effect. Says gwen. "What did you put on the food, gwen?" Asks the arachnid. Nothing. I just put a love for food. Come, fall asleep. 8Says spider-gwen. Who puts the chestnut's head in her lap. The chestnut tree gradually fell asleep.-always together, I love you peter. Says gwen. And Peter falls completely asleep. Gwen sets Peter aside. And she kisses the chestnut on the forehead. -Good night, darling. Hee, says gwen, who starts laughing. And she goes. Leaving peter locked in. END .....

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