chapter 9, suspicions being born.

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In an abandoned cellar.
There was spider gwen.
That she was covered in blood.
In one of her hands.
She was holding a knife that dripped too much blood.
In front of her.
This is the gwen of that land.
With multiple stabbings throughout her body.
And as it was obvious.
She was already dead.
Spider gwen lifts her mask. To further contemplate what he just did.
A smile appeared on his face and eyes.
Of complete madness appeared.



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-hahahahahahahahaha. Spider gwen was laughing maniacally. To later lick that knife. -with what. That is my taste. Hahaha. 6 Spider gwen said. And then save that one. Knife. With its spider web. Wraps up the body. -if I leave it here. It will spoil and they will see me. It will be better. That detaches me from it. Spider gwen said. To later load that one. And take it away. Minutes later. Spider gwen arrives at the brooklyn bridge. Spider gwen is up on the bridge. -Maybe I become a wanted criminal after this. But. As long as I have Peter to myself. I will take the risk. Says spider gwen. Than before. It puts heavy rocks around the body. For it to sink. Then he throws the body into the sea. It just looks like it falls into the water. And it begins to sink. Losing sight. Then spider gwen. Leave the place. -It's too late for me to go to school. I think I will spend it with the person I love. The arachnid blonde thought. In the meantime. On the streets of New York. He was walking logan. Better known as wolverine. Until something stops him. Logan smelled of something. -This smell is recognized to me. Logan thought. He walks a few blocks. Until we reach an alley. -the smell carries around here. Wolverine said he kept going. Until you reach a vault. The same one where spider gwen was a few moments ago. Logan sees that it is closed. -Luckily I have the master key. Logan said. Pulling out its claws and cutting the door to get in. The place was dark. Wolverine was not letting down his guard. Every time he advanced. The site was getting a little clear. Until it stops. -to here comes the smell. Logan said he was looking around. Then he puts one foot in front and steps on something. Logan bends down to see what that thing was. She touches it and then smells it. blood. Wolverine said surprised. And then call Captain America. -Hey chap. Police send a warehouse down the alley off 31st Avenue. Here was a crime scene. Wolverine said. -it's okay. Go back here to make the report. Cap said. While with gwen. She was walking down the street. Seeing what to buy. Until you see a store. A sweater with the spiderman emblem stamped on it. -wow. Cute. I'll buy it from Peter. He will love it. Gwen said. Who enters the store to buy it. Near there. There was mary jane. You just left class. Until you see gwen leaving that store. She approaches to greet her. -Hi gwen. Hey, why didn't you go back to school? The redhead asks. -Okay. After buying what I needed for school. I felt a little bad. And so. I went to buy a pill and water. Until I realized that I was already late to go. Gwen responds to mj. Then they both started walking together. -hears gwen. Because of what I told you this morning. Mary Jane said. -what thing?. Gwen answered confused. -de, from what I told you. How I feel about Peter. Says mary jane. -What about that? Gwen asks. -After I told you that. You got a little weird. Your look terrifies me. Mary Jane said. -oh. Sorry. Gwen said. -what happened. Why did you put yourself like this? Mary Jane asked. -is that. I didn't know how to take that. It was very sudden for me. I didn't expect you to feel that about Peter. I get it. He is a good boy. Study and work at the same time. He always cares about the closest people. Any girl would fall in love with him. Gwen said. -even you?. Mary Jane asked. But gwen was silent. -you know. If Peter decides to be with you. They would have my support. After all. You are my friend. Mj responds. Gwen turns to see Mary Jane with an astonished face. -thank you. Gwen responds with a little joy. To which mj the smile returns. -What happens?. Do you think that with those words, you think she has a chance? But. If Peter is still in love with you. Next up, saras tu. Gwen was thinking. In the meantime. At the base of the Avengers. -Hey. You can check this blood sample. Wolverine was saying, handing over a bloody rag. From that place that was. -Why do you want us to review that? Ask iron man. -Do it. So we can help the police with something. Because someone may be in danger. Says ch. -It's fine, too. It won't take long to analyze it. Ant man said. An hour later. At the stacy house. As usual. There was nobody at home. Gwen arrives at her house. -It was a very hard day. But, it was worth it. Gwen was saying, putting down the keys. And head quickly to the basement. -Honey, I'm here. Gwen said. With a tone of joy. She comes down and meets peter. -Hey, Pete. Did you miss me. I do. I missed you so much. Look to buy you. Gwen was saying, pulling out that sweater. -as this place is frozen. I bought it thinking of you. Gwen was blushing. -Thank you, gwen. The chestnut replies. -Hey, even. Do you love mary jane ?. The blonde asks. -Not only to you. I belong to you. 6 Peter responds with his dull gaze. Gwen. He kept his eyes wide open. -what did you say. Gwen says trembling. -I no longer love mj. Only you. Peter says. With a voice like hypnotized. -you don't love mary jane anymore. Only me. Gwen says in a shaky voice. Then he launches himself towards the chestnut tree. Give him a hug. -I am happy. You finally listen to me. You finally love me Gwen says with tears. Then she kisses Peter. And in seconds fronts collide. -we are together. Forever. Gwen says. -yes. 1 Seat the chestnut. In the police station. There was Aunt May. -Mrs parker. Good afternoon. Says captain stacy. -Good afternoon captain. Do you know anything about my nephew? Ask May. -I regret to inform you. That we haven't found any clues from his nephew. It seems that the earth devoured him. But listen. We will not rest until we find it. Captain Stacy says comfortingly to Aunt May. In that in his office. A police officer enters. -captain stacy. The agent was calling. -what's going on?. Captain Stacy asks. -Near the blooklyn bridge they found a corpse wrapped in cobweb. 3 Says the agent. END...

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