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Sometimes you need a quiet place. A place where you can sit down, around a pleasing setting that isn't too quiet, but it's too loud either. Where an introvert can sit by themselves and not worry about others having to walk toward them and wanting to talk.

What is that place?

Nope, it wasn't the bedroom. It was a cafe. It was recently opened, with half of the cafe indoors and half outdoors. This was probably Shoto's favorite spot to be.

There was movement but not too much movement to where he was distracted from his work. Quiet enough to hear himself think. And he didn't have to have human interaction unless he wanted to go order something to eat or drink.

Shoto would sit at his regular table, on the deck outside. It was always sunny, the perfect weather. When he needed to study, he'd bring his books and papers, as he chewed on his gum. He found it easier to concentrate when chewing on it. Even when he didn't need to study for exams, he'd go to do homework or to just chill, chewing another piece of gum. The music played was also amazing. It had rhythm to it, and wasn't solely based on a piano's notes.

This couldn't get any better, right? Oh but it could.

Shoto spotted an ash blond. Somehow he didn't notice him when he sat on the outside too, a few tables away. The way the ash blond was angled, if he wanted to, he could spot Shoto.

Shoto couldn't be sure what captivated him, but he was sure that those crimson red eyes did a number on him. They seemed so peaceful and beautiful yet fierce. Big fluffy spiky hair. A soft face, like an angel. The ash blond looked like his face had no imperfections.

Since then, he noticed him everyday. He'd try to wait and see if the ash blond would maybe glance his way even once. It never really happened, but when it did, he'd give a warm smile. The ash blond never saw it though. He knew since the beautiful boy never smiled back, instead someone else would catch his smile and smile back.

Sometimes he'd give a small wave or hand gesture at the boy, but that never seemed to work either. He wondered if the boy was ignoring him, but there was always a possibility that the boy didn't see him. This wasn't a popular cafe, but it still had customers all the time. People would sit at the tables between the two, so it could have been true.

Eventually, Shoto decided, yeah, he was going to get up, and try to strike a conversation with him. He had a feeling this was it. Shoto never had a crush before, or someone he's really been attracted to. Sure he's seen a few cute boys before, but never the kind that made him want to talk with them or want their attention.

• • • • •

"Good afternoon Sir." One of the workers greeted Shoto with a smile as they swept the floor.

Shoto blew a bubble with his gum, chewed it a little then greeted them with a small smile, "Good afternoon."

He started his way to the other side of the cafe. He went through the glass doors onto the white deck. Somehow just this area was gorgeous. A short white fence around it with neatly trimmed grass walls behind them.

His eyes wondered at the table the ash blond was at. That boy was always there before he got there. He was sure the boy went to school, he looked slightly younger than Shoto. He also wanted to know how early they let the ash blond out.

He blew another bubble to try and relax himself. He really was going to do this. He walked toward the boy's table, trying to chew quieter as his nerves raised.

"Excuse me?" Shoto said, a light blush already forming on his face.

The ash blond turned. It took the ash blond a few seconds to look up at Shoto's face, but even when he did...he wasn't really looking at Shoto. His eyes were...off...

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