| f o u r | 𝕟𝕦𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣

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Shoto went back to the cafe, bringing his books and such. He ordered a coffee as well with a croissant for Katsuki.

He thanked the worker, going through the glass door, onto the deck.

This time was different. Katsuki wasn't the only one there. There was a dog, sitting down on a leash. It was a big dog, mainly white with a light tan blending with it. A Labrador Retriever.

"Hey Pom." Shoto said with a smile.

The dog moved forward, allowing Shoto to rub his soft head—as the boy sat down.

"Hey Bubblegum." Katsuki blushed, looking down angrily.

"Was your friend sick?" Shoto asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your dog. He's usually with your friend right?"

"Fuck off! You know why I brought him here!"

"I don't. Please," Shoto had a smug grin on his face, leaning forward, "enlighten me."

Katsuki mumbled, "I brought him cause you said I should."

"Huh?" Shoto asked, though he heard exactly what the ash blond said.

"Nope, I'm not repeating myself."

"That's a shame. I guess I'll eat this croissant."

"I brought him cause you said I should!" Katsuki pouted at the end, "Please can I have my croissant?"

Shoto smiled, "Sure."

Katsuki snatched the food out of Shoto's hand. The taller boy was a little shocked but a smile ran across his face again.

"What did you bring?" Katsuki asked.

"My books. I have to study for my test. I actually have two of them."

"Ha. Peasant."

"Whatever." The boy began to pull a book onto the table, flipping through the pages.

It's been around an hour now. Shoto would quietly flip through the pages, sipping the coffee as well. He'd write down his notes, anything that he knew he couldn't remember.

Katsuki sat there, doing nothing. He finished eating his croissant quickly, so now he was left with nothing. He knew that Shoto would be 'ignoring' him since he was studying, but he didn't realize how entertaining it was to talk to him.

He huffed and placed his elbow on the table, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. His other hand rubbed and scratched at his dog's ears and neck.

"Are you done yet?" Katsuki asked.

Shoto looked up to the blind boy. He was in the middle of writing when the boy broke his concentration.

"If you're giving me some type of look, just remember that I can't see it." Katsuki said.

"Oh. I wasn't giving you a look. You broke my train of thought so I had to register what you were saying. Sorry."

"You still haven't answered my question dipshit."

"Oh. Um. No I'm not done."

Katsuki huffed, resting his forehead on the table, "You're fucking boring."

"I'm only boring because I haven't spoken to you. Thought you'd be happy about that." Shoto ruffled Katsuki's hair, "Kat."

Shoto saw the boy's face turn a bright red, but the boy shifted his face so Shoto couldn't see.

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