| s e v e n | 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕒𝕥 𝕞𝕖

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"You're lying. You can tell me." Shoto said, searching for the crimson eyes to look back to him.

"You won't tell?" Katsuki looked at Shoto.

"I promise."

Katsuki's eyes narrowed, "And you won't laugh?"

"When have I ever laughed at you?"

"Multiple times you fucking asshole."

"Alright yeah but I won't laugh at you for something serious. I'm not messed up in the head."

Katsuki's lip moved up in disgust, still not believing the other.

"You wanna pinky promise?" Shoto asked, lightly poking Katsuki's hand with his pinky.

"Ew fuck no, that's for little kids." Katsuki huffed.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"It's fine...I'll tell you."

"I'm all ears." Shoto smiled softly.

"I wanna—" Katsuki's heart was racing, but he had to calm himself down, "I wanna like you—but like...I don't know...I feel like I can't." Katsuki lowered his head, his eyes staring at the floor down.

Shoto's head tilted, his smile vanished from his face, "What'd you mean?"

"My eyes. Without my eyes...I can't see your smile. I can't see when you're sad. I can't even see your face. It's just dark...really...really dark." His voice faulted at his last sentence.

A lump presented itself in Shoto's throat, "Katsuki..."

Guilt and sadness washed over Shoto. He felt so insensitive as if he offended Katsuki. Hell, he might as well. This whole time Shoto has no idea what was going on in Katsuki's mind. He hadn't taken the time to step into his shoes and try and feel what he felt.

Blindness—the state or condition of being unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition. Or better known in Katsuki's case; losing something he felt he needed if he was to like someone romantically. You never realize how much people depend on eyesight.

Just seeing the person you like smile makes you happy. When that person frowns, you want to make them smile. Or just simply seeing their face could make your day right there. But for Katsuki...that wasn't an option.

He was just there.

With Shoto, listening to him talk. Listening to the sounds around, being on constant alert. How could he like Shoto if he felt as if he didn't connect to him? They say the eyes are the gateway to their soul. Wasn't eyesight one of the most important things in relationships? How could he tell how Shoto was feeling unless Shoto told him himself.

Being confessed to and yet you can't even see their face.

Dark. Nothing to see. Alone.

Shoto gently wrapped his hands around Katsuki's wrists, "Katsuki. You can see in other ways too. The world is unique and diverse. Sometimes, you can see without your eyes."

Katsuki only stared at Shoto in question, not understanding what Shoto was going on about.

Slowly Shoto raised Katsuki's hands to his face.

"Go ahead. Look at my face." He reassured the blind boy.

Both hearts were beating a mile a minute. Shoto's heart thumping from what he just did. What was Katsuki's response? With the ash blond, his throbbing pain filling in his chest because he was finally going to 'see' Shoto.

Katsuki's small hands began to work around Shoto's face. Soft fingertips rubbing on the smooth skin. His hands seemed to 'massage' the two toned boy's cheeks. They carved his face, feeling smooth plump lips sway along with Katsuki's movements.

They then ventured up to his nose. His fingers dipping at the curved feature, sliding up and down. Exploring each crevice that made Shoto, Shoto.

Eventually he made his way to his scar, a more rough skin. Though it was irregular than the rest of his skin, it was soothing in a way. Broken yet perfect the way it was. Katsuki lightly ran his thumb over Shoto's eyelash before his small hands cupped Shoto's face.

His eyes seemed to tear, knowing he 'knew' what Shoto looks like. A genuine smile crossed his lips, his tone soft and fragile, "You're cute."

"Thanks." Shoto smiles, his tears also threatening to fall down his face, "You're cute too."

Shoto cupped Katsuki's hand, leading it to his heart. "You feel my heart?"

"Yeah. It's erratic."

"It's because I'm really happy." Shoto choked on his words, light tears falling from his eyes.

Katsuki's smile only grew, listening as Shoto began to speak.

"See? You can still see me without your eyes."

"I'm happy I can see you."

The ash blond grabbed his arms around Shoto. The taller one was taken by surprise but he hugged him back, feeling Katsuki snuggle his face into his neck.

"Bubblegum." Katsuki's words were muffled but still audible.


"Lets go to my favorite place."

The rest is just a rant🤍💫 (and about this book).

You know what's frustrating? When you want to be sad so you look for sad Todobaku books but you can't find a really good sad Todobaku book to cry to. —So then you try to make one yourself and you write one chapter then get writer's block! So in all. If you know a really good sad Todobaku, hit me up😌✨

Aaaannnnddddd I see that some new people are voting, viewing, commenting and saving my book to their lists. Heeyyyyyy hope you like it.

y'all comments be having be dead💀

If anyone is hate reading Hiiiiiii😃

I hope it at least hit you a little in the heart. It sure did for me. Sis nearly cried.

It's hard to write when you have like 2 per-written chapters but you HATE how they turned out so you just sit there and stare in disgust until you finger out how to fix it😝

Next update? Dunno. Hopefully soon

👁👄👁 Thats all.

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ ಠ_ಠ 𝐼 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑛𝑡.

𝒮𝒾𝓈 𝒿𝓈 ✨𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒸𝓎✨

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