| e i g h t | 𝕗𝕒𝕧𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖

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Katsuki had Shoto take him to a random street. After that the ash blond had guided them to where his favorite place was. Shoto was amazed that the blind could walk around by himself. It wasn't that he didn't think he could—rather the icy boy was just oblivious to the life of a blind person.

Turns out when you're blind, sometimes you don't always need a seeing-eye dog or someone else to help you. One can navigate around perfectly fine.
Katsuki was able to navigate solely on sound, smells and feeling other people's presence. But there was one exception. If you panic or are unsure of yourself, you won't get far. You have to trust yourself.

To cross the street, one listened for the cars as they drove by. If they were moving the way you wanted to walk, it was safe to cross. If the cars sounded as if they were right in front of you, you wouldn't walk. It was more helpful when there were people and listening to their footsteps. Of course Shoto got nervous every time they crossed the street. The question, 'what if he veers off the side and walls out into the street?!' His question was soon answered after crossing the third street when Katsuki could feel the boy's hand sweat intensely and the throbbing of his heart. He told him that one thing Katsuki was good at, was walking in a straight line. He taught himself, of course with the help of Kirishima to walk properly without being afraid.

Little did Shoto know was that as they made their way down the sidewalk, that Katsuki was actually somewhat familiar to his surroundings. He'd walk on this same pathway, with his seeing-eye dog and Kirishima regularly. He became familiar with the scents as well as paying attention to the new sounds and on occasion—foreign smells.

They turned another corner. Pastel small shops of blue, pink and creamy white. This time Shoto knew this place. He walked this way sometimes, yet he couldn't recall the place he'd stop at when he'd come here.

"Oi. Bubblegum." The two came to a stop.


"Close your eyes."


"Do you trust me?"


"Then close your fucking eyes."

The boy gave a weird look but shut them. Katsuki lightly ran his fingers on Shoto's eyelids, securing that the boy shut them. Quickly, Shoto felt them moving again. His grip on Katsuki's hand tightened. It wasn't that he didn't trust him, he just didn't trust himself. He had his eyesight, so walking around in the dark, in public, was making him uneasy. How could Katsuki do this on the regular? How is he so confident?

It felt so weird just listening to sounds. He felt like each step he was veering off the sidewalk.

"Pick up your feet." Katsuki instructs.

Shoto did his best. He did hit the first step which made the ash blond call him stupid. The next few steps he had mini heart attacks, fearful he'll miss it and fall down the steps. Though there were only five, so even if he fell he wouldn't be hurt too bad.

They walked through a door. Suddenly it got cold.

"Where are we?" Shoto had to fight the urge to open his eyes.

"Be patient."

They went through another door. This time it was warm again. They finally came to a stop.

"You can open your eyes now."

Shoto's heart throbbed in his chest as his eyes opened. The sun shone in his eyes, making him flutter his eyes before they adjusted.

Clean cut grass. A white fence. Clean white tables, a few tables having people talking and eating. A white deck. Glass doors. An overhang, giving shade to a small fraction of the tables.

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