| n i n e | 𝕞𝕪 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖

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9:30 pm

In a dark room, Katsuki Bakugo lies in his bed. He's fast asleep, tucked in his soft and fluffy blankets. It could have continued, but his phone began to ring.

He jolted up from the vibrations as well as the sounds. It gave a normal ring before Siri began to read aloud who was the caller.

"'Bubblegum with white heart' is calling. Answer or decline?"

Katsuki groaned, shifting the pillows around, feeling around for his phone he placed under the pillow. The phone continued to repeat itself until he found it. He placed it to his ear, responding to Siri.


"Ok." She responded.

There was a short silence before Katsuki spoke in a low and raspy voice.


"Hey Katsuki."

"The fuck you want?"

"...were you sleeping?"


"Oh my bad. I'm sorry."

"Don't fucking leave now bitch face. Why'd you call me?"

"No no no. It's ok. You can go back to sleep."

"Shoto if you don't tell me why you called I will rip your face off."

"...that's mean."

"Then tell me."

"I was up all night. I wanted to call if I got you in trouble. If I did I'm really really sorry. I'll apologize to your parents in person. I hope they still let you come back."

"Calm your tits. I'm not in trouble. I can come back."

"I don't have tits."

"We don't know that."

"No you don't know that. See what I did there?"

"No, I can't see."


"Shut the fuck up."




The night's silence falls over the two. In the beginning it's only awkward. The two are just laying in their bed, the ash blond half asleep while the two toned boy tried to get comfortable. On the phone Katsuki can hear Shoto shifting around.

The entire time, they two are silent. When Shoto finally stops moving, Katsuki allows his head to rest on his pillow, no longer holding it up. Shoto lets out a low and short hm, expecting the ash blond to reply.

That's when Katsuki can hear it. He can hear Shoto's breathing over the phone. The awkward moment sticking to him, washing away—replacing it with peacefulness from Shoto's leveled breathing. His heart oddly slows down, as he begins to feel sleepy again.

Katsuki smiles as his eyes close. His next words come out in a whisper, too soft for Shoto to hear.

"Night Bubblegum..."

• • • • •

Katsuki's bored eyes stare ahead. Nothing to see. Nothing will be seen. Only the chatting of other people surrounding his ears. He never cared. When you go blind, you're dependent on sounds, so hearing a lot of things wouldn't bother you. Yet Katsuki was irritated.

Maybe it was because Shoto wasn't here yet. He couldn't complain though. Katsuki was always there before Shoto, yet today—he missed him more than he thought.

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