| t h r e e | 𝕓𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘

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"I found a cuter nickname." Shoto popped the bubblegum on his mouth as he sat down in front of Katsuki.



"The fuck is a Pom?"

"It's short for Pomeranian."

"So you're calling a dog?"

"No, a puppy Pomeranian."

"That's stupid."

"But they're cute, like you."

"Didn't I say don't call me cute!"

"No. You said not to call you 'cutie.'"

Katsuki kicked Shoto, aiming for his groin but hit him in the knee. Shoto wrapped his feet around Katsuki's ankle, keeping them in place. The boy tried pulling his leg from Shoto's hold, but he couldn't get it free.

"Let go you asshole!"

"Why do you always kick me?"

Katsuki grunted, using his other foot to kick at Shoto's ankles, "Let. Go."

Shoto pouted, realising the boy.

Silence falls over them. It isn't a comfortable one either. A long awkward one. Only listening to the small conversations of the people around them. The calming music in the background.

"Got anything to talk about?" Shoto asks.


Another silence. Shoto would glance at Katsuki a few times. Sometimes Katsuki would turn his head to face Shoto, which would make Shoto look away. But then he remembers the boy was blind and would mentally slap himself.

Another blow of bubblegum. His stomach growled when he began to chew some more.

"I'm hungry.A-" Shoto began before being cut off.

"Hi hungry. I'm blind."

Shoto narrowed his eyes at the ash blond. Katsuki didn't care, he just gave a smug grin.

"I'll be back." Shoto got up.


Shoto soon came back with two brownies.

"You want some?"


After that he ate in silence.

"Are you still there?" Katsuki asked.


Katsuki let a low, 'hm' out, turning his face as his chin rested on his palm.

"You're like a dry texter in real life." Shoto mumbled to himself.

"Then fucking leave!" Katsuki shouts.

"I don't want to!" Shoto shouts back.

"Why?! I don't get it! Aren't I boring to you?!"

"I mean yeah you are, but I thought that's cause you were shy!"

"Ain't nobody shy around you!"

"Are you sure about that?!"

"Don't fucking question me!"

"Well you're the one who's dry with all your replies!"

"Fuck you!"


"Get out!"

"You get out!"

"Eat shit!"

"Why are you so rude?! I'm just trynna talk to you!"

𝐁𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐌 || 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔Where stories live. Discover now