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"Thank you." Shoto said as he picked up his order.

"Your welcome." The cashier smiled.

Shoto walked across the cafe, going through the glass doors. He blew a bubble of gum, pulling it into his mouth and popping it.

"Hi." Shoto said as he took a seat across the boy, blowing another bubble with his gum.

The boy faces him, his face scrunched up when he kicks him in the knee.

"Stoooop." Shoto whined, as he carefully placed down the bag of croissants, "I could have dropped my croissant!"

The boy squinted at him.

"What?" Shoto smiled, "It's not funny?"


"Oh..." Shoto ruffled the bag a little, "Do you want one?"


"Do you eat at all?"

"You're the one to talk. You just chew on gum all damn day."

"So you pay attention?"

The boy blushed, getting angry. He turned his face so he wouldn't face Shoto. The boy kicked Shoto again.

"Ouch." Shoto said blankly, narrowing his eyes while holding his knee up to his chest.

"Do you like getting hurt?!" The boy's voice was full of venom.

The ash blond reached out. His hand began to tap on the table, like he was looking for something. Shoto heard the boy curse under his breath, his arms now 'wiping' the table.

Shoto squinted at the boy, a smile on his face, "What are you doing?"

The boy finally grabbed onto the bag of croissants, "Shut up!"

"I just asked a question."

The boy flipped him off, shoving the croissant in his mouth.

"Cute." Shoto mumbled.

"I'll show you cute!" The boy flung the croissant at Shoto, hitting him on the forehead.

The boy reached over to grab at Shoto. The boy was shorter than he thought. He was reaching over the whole table and still couldn't reach Shoto. The bi-colored boy was barely leaning back, watching with amusement as the boy seemed to get more frustrated that he couldn't reach.

"Get down. We'll get kicked out." Shoto said.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Okay fine! I promise I won't call you cute! Just get down!"

The boy huffed and fell back in his chair. He crossed his arms.

"So can I know your name? Since you don't like it when I call you 'cutie.'"

"Katsuki Bakugo."

"Can I call you by first name?"

"It doesn't fucking matter."

"Okay. Nice to finally meet you Katsuki."

"Nevermind. I'm Bakugo to you."

Shoto pouted. He grabbed onto the bag, pulling a croissant out, lightly placing it in Katsuki's hand.

"I didn't ask for your help."

"I know. But you lost your croissant."

"I didn't lose it. I threw it at your dumbass. Did I miss?"


"HA! I'm the greatest!" Katsuki smiled then bit into the croissant.

Shoto smiled. The boy was really cute. His smile was adorable.

His mind wandered to something else about Katsuki. Did he go blind? Why does he go to the cafe all the time anyway?

"Can I ask you something?" Shoto asked.

"No. Your question has been answered."

"I'm serious."

"I am too."

"Bakugo. Why do you come here if you never eat or anything?"

"Cause everything's the same. People think just cause you're blind you're weak or constantly need them. I'm sick of doing the same shit my parents make me do. I fucking hate the teachers at my school. They treat us like we're some helpless group of people."

"Oh. I'm sorry..."

"Don't fucking pitty me. I just wanted to go to a new place.

"What are you gonna do? Feel the sights?"

Katsuki squinted at him, but laughed right after.

"That was a good one." Katsuki smiled.

"Thanks. I learn from the best."


"No, school."

"Get the fuck out."

"I don't wanna."


"Cause, this is my favorite place! It's nice and calm, quiet. It smells nice. The food is good. And it's my study area too."

"That's so fucking cheesy."

"But it is a nice place. You come here all the time."

"Shut up! It's not about me. It's about you."

"So you wanna get to know me?"


"I think you're lying."

"I think I'm gonna choke you."

"What's up with you and choking? Got a kink for it?"

Katsuki kicked Shoto hard, making the boy grunt loudly.

Shoto began to speak, his voice raspy and low through clenched teeth, "You kicked me in the balls."

"You're a guy?"

"That's not funny."

"It's funny to me."




"No! You aren't giving me that dumbass nickname."

"Kitty Kat."

"Fuck you."

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