This Is Goodbye?

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It was midday, and Kion and Rani had been up for a few hours, walking toward the two rivers. Every passing minute, they were getting closer. Kion and Rani began to see the first river flowing in the distance. And soon after, they saw the second river too. One would expect these two lions to be excited that they were getting closer to their homes. However, this was not the case.

They would both have to split up and go their separate ways, for their homes were in separate directions; however, neither of them wanted to say goodbye. While both lions couldn't quite confess their feelings yet (at least not while the other was awake), they both knew they found something special in the other. However, it looked like it wouldn't matter how they felt; they had to take two different routes to get home.

"So, I guess this is it?" Rani said gloomily, already knowing the answer.

Kion responded equally as dejected, "I guess so."

"I...want to thank you, Rani. If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I would be able to be where I am right now," Kion thanked the girl he loved. Wait loved? No no no...too soon. Definitely in the future though...if there was a future.

Both lions had stopped by now. In front of them was the river that was to take Kion to the Pridelands. A little further ahead was the river that was to take Rani to the Tree of Life.

"If there's anyone who should be thanking anyone," Rani argued while smiling, "it should be me thanking you. If it weren't for you, I might still be trapped in that sinkhole...or pit...I still don't know what that was." They both chuckled, remembering that time that happened not so long ago.

"Yeah...we also made a good team," Kion said, his chuckle now turning into a a grin that probably made him look like a fool. "We helped Zane, and we also had fun doing it."

Rani also reminisced, but both of their smiles turned into frowns, for they knew what was going to happen next.

"Kion, if you ever find yourself in that area, or if you need some healing, you will always be welcomed at the Tree of Life," Rani told Kion, hoping she might see him again.

"Same goes to you, Rani. If you ever want to come to the Pridelands, I'll be more than happy if you came," Kion offered, also hoping he might see her again. "Good luck with getting home and protecting the Tree of Life."

"Good luck to you too, Kion," Rani sighed as she gave a fake smile toward Kion; she was heartbroken on the inside. Kion was heartbroken too. Even though there hearts ached in the process, they did what they had to do.

"Goodbye, Kion."

"Goodbye, Rani."

With that, Rani walked over to the river she was going to be following for the rest of her journey. They gave each other one last last eye locking no one else is in the universe moment...before walking beside their rivers.

Is this it? Rani thought as she breathed another heavy sigh. Am I going to say goodbye without telling him how I feel? I wish we could've spent more time together. I wish Zane's mother didn't come when she did so I could figure out if he feels the same as I do. I wish I could tell him how I feel. Oh, how I wish we didn't have to say goodbye. But alas, my home needs me. I hope I will see Kion again someday...

Am I really just gonna let her walk away? Kion thought, also breathing a sigh. She's the best girl I've ever known. I wish I could tell her how I feel, but what's the point? She has to go to her home and I have to go to mine. The Lion Guard needs my help.....or do they?

Kion stopped in his tracks as he began to think deeper.

I trust Fuli, Ono, Bunga, Anga, and Beshte to handle the duties of the Guard....I'm sure they would be fine on their own.

But would I be abandoning my Guard and my home? What if they're in danger and need my help?

No...I wouldn't be abandoning them; I would only be gone for a little while longer.

I may not be abandoning them, but they may need my help. What if I just go home, and once I make sure everything is okay, I go to the Tree of Life?

That could work, but then my parents may not let me go. No matter what...I have to tell Rani how I feel...and I need to do it now!

Kion, with a burst of confidence and adrenaline pumping through his veins, made his way back to where he and Rani said their goodbyes. Once he got there, he sprinted over to the smaller river that would lead to the Tree of Life in hopes of finding Rani.

He ran next to the river, faster than he ever had before. He was a man on a mission, looking for where Rani may be. Everything around him turned into a blur. He wasn't controlling his actions anymore, his heart was, and his heart was determined to find Rani. It seemed as if it knew exactly where to go, which made sense: his heart belonged to Rani.

He was running as fast as a cheetah until he found a brown-furred lion who was walking slowly and sadly. Kion took a deep breath and exhaled.


Gone, But Not Alone (A KionxRani AU)Where stories live. Discover now