I'm Not The World's Most Romantic Man

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Upon hearing her name, Rani turned around and saw the lion she thought she would never see again. When she turned around, Kion realized the gloomy look on her face and how it turned into a look of excitement. However, his heart dropped when he saw a nervous look appear.

She looked at him with concern. "Is everything alright?"

"No, I-I...uhhh...actually have something to confess," Kion stammered nervously, avoiding eye contact with her.

Rani's heart fluttered; something came to her mind and she begged it was that. "What do you have to confess?" Rani urged Kion.

Kion took a deep breath before talking. "Rani, I'm not the world's most romantic lion, so I don't quite know how to say this, but here I go..."

Kion then looked into her eyes. Her big, brown, beautiful eyes.

"Even though these past couple days should've been the worst couple days of my life, they've been some of my favorite. And I'm not naive, I know we live in two completely different places, but I would be a fool to let a girl like you slip away. Not even a girl like you, but you," Kion admitted before taking a huge breath, shaking from nervousness. "And I don't know if I will ever meet someone like you again. So, I was thinking...maybe we could give it a try?"

"G-Give what a try?" Rani stammered, hoping it was the answer she was looking for.

"You and me."

Everything else faded away for the two of them. There was no one else, nothing else, in the moment between the two.

"You really want me to be your girlfriend?" Rani confessed, shocked at what she was hearing. No no no...there's no way he just said that.

"Yes, and I really want an answer," Kion gulped, fearing rejection.

Oh well. At least I won't see her aga-

"Kion, I would-"


And that brought them out of their special moment. Though both wish they could have continued their moment, someone, somewhere needed their help.

Kion looked around but couldn't see a lion or any other animal nearby. "Do you know where that's coming from?"

Rani shook her head. "No, I don't see anyt-"


"Okay, that's definitely coming from further up the river," Kion said to which Rani shook her head in agreement.

"Let's go!" she told Kion as they began to run further up the river.


Kion stopped in his tracks. "Okay, that sounds like it's-"

"Right here," Rani butted in.

When they looked to their right, they noticed a decent-sized cave.

"Shall we go?" Kion asked Rani, but she didn't move. "Rani? Is everything okay?"

"I'm...a little scared actually," Rani confessed, looking down at the down ashamed.

"What's wrong?" Kion asked. "I mean, other than the guy in the cave who needs help."

"The last time I was in a cave, I got so scared. I was playing with my brother and I lost him...I couldn't find my way out," Rani whimpered as memories came back to her. "I was in the cave for hours before my family found me."

Kion also became saddened by Rani's sadness. "Rani, don't worry. We'll be fine; I won't leave you. We will walk through the cave together."

Rani looked at Kion with so much admiration in her eyes. She knew, and maybe her heart knew it before, that Kion was one-of-a-kind. "Thank you, Kion."

"Always, Rani."


"Now let's get in there," Kion looked at Rani who nodded her head.

They walked into the cave before making themselves known: "HELLO?!"

Kion and Rani awaited a response from the mystery animal in need. When they heard no response, they tried again: "Is anyone there?!"

After a moment, the voice responded. "Yes! Please help me!"

"What's going on?" Kion shouted, trying to figure out more information.

"I ran into this cave and got lost," the voice responded.

Kion could see Rani shake in the corner of his eye, recalling some more memories. They were getting to the point where it was becoming pitch dark where they were walking to.

Kion stopped in his tracks and turned to the female beside him. "Rani?"


"I think we should stop," Kion reasoned. He could tell, despite barely being able to see, that a confused look spread across Rani's face. "If we go in there, we could get lost also. I say that we guide the animal to us."

"How do you plan on doing that?" Rani questioned, not seeing Kion's plan.

"Like this," Kion explained. "CAN YOU HEAR ME?"

"YES!" yelled back the voice.

"MY AND MY...uhhh..." Kion stammered, not knowing officially what they were.

Does she like me? Ughhhh...I have no idea. Hopefully we can find this animal soon so I can find out.



And that's how Kion and Rani found themselves shouting random things for the next 30 minutes.







However, slowly but surely, they heard the animal's voice get louder and louder until they could see an outline of someone's body coming near them.

"That was the stupidest rescue I've ever done," Rani giggled cutely.

Kion couldn't help but smile. "Same here."

Slowly but surely, the animal came closer. Kion and Rani recognized it as a tiger, maybe a few years older than them. The tiger stopped when they noticed Kion and Rani. "Hello."

Gone, But Not Alone (A KionxRani AU)Where stories live. Discover now