It's Getting Dark, Too Dark To See

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"They're back!!!"

"Huh?" Kion heard the noise and looked around, only to find it was still night, or early morning. "What was that?"

"I don't know."

Kion immediately reacted by jumping in front of Rani, who was still asleep, in order to protect her. He started a growl at the unknown animal. "Who are you?"

Much to Kion's confusion, a chuckle came along. "It is thy King and brother-in-law. Sorry, almost brother-in-law."

Kion decided it was okay to lower his guard, and in response to the reply, he rolled his eyes. "Alright, now I know it's you."

Baliyo feigned an offended tone: "You couldn't recognize me?"

"I can barely see anything; it's pitch black outside," complained Kion.

"I agree, I've never seen it this dark before, and I'm part of the Night Pride! Is Rani awake?"

Kion looked at Rani, trying to make out a clear picture on her current status. "I don't think so."

"Hmm.....odd. Did you hear that too?"

Kion nodded, but realized the Baliyo wouldn't be able to see him anyway. "Yeah, it sounded like a scream."

"Is the moon even out tonight? Usually it's not this dark," inquired Baliyo, not knowing why he could barely see his own paws. "Is there an ellipse going on or something?"

Then, out of nowhere, they heard a rapid approach of what sounded like a lion. No, two lions.

Before Kion or Baliyo could communicate, they heard the collapsing of both the lions, followed by a shriek.

"Watch where you're going, Surak!"

"No, you watch where your going!"

"Hey, Nirmala and Surak," Baliyo announced coolly, as if they didn't come charging into the Tree. "Fancy of you to join us."

"Is that you, Baliyo?" Surak questioned.


"I told you it was this way!" Nirmala exclaimed in what seemed like proudness.

"Yeah yeah," Surak brushed her off. "Anyways, you all hear that?"

Kion, once again, nodded, even though it was in vain. "Oh yeah. Well, Rani's still asleep, but Baliyo's awake also, and he heard it."

"Do you think it was one of our animals?"

The questioned, proposed by Nirmala, put worry into all four, but most particularly, Baliyo, for he was the King.

"Ughhh..." a voice groaned, and all were confused until Kion felt something hit his leg.

He smiled. "Your quite a deep sleeper, I see."

"Yeah, and ya better get used to her every morning," Surak whispered, but it was loud enough for Kion to hear. He acted as if he didn't, however.

Rani stood up and stretched. Of course, Kion wouldn't be able to know that if she wasn't two feet in front of him. Kion then and there became a fan of the dark; he could absorb Rani's beauty and his friends wouldn't know. And Rani didn't couldn't tell either.

Well, actually, she could, but Kion didn't know that. She let him slide on accountability of cuteness.

Rani, still drowsy, was trying to figure out what was happening. "Why is it so dark? Wait a second, why are we are all here during this hour? What's going on?"

Kion answered, "Well, we think either the moon disappeared or it's covered by clouds. We're here now because of what sounded like a scream. And we believe the animals here may be in danger."

Rani immediately shot awake from her semi-dazed state. "Then what are we doing here?! Let's go!"

After very little debate, the others agreed, and they were on their way to attempt to see what was going on. After a minute of taking in their surroundings to find the exit, they were able to successfully exit the Tree. Once they were outside, the visibility was a little better, but nowhere near enough to be able to see danger.

Surak cleared his throat. "Okay, we're outside...but now what?"

"Well, we know there's danger here somewhere, we just don't know where," the King answered, knowing he had to take charge. "We gotta cover all directions."

The others agreed, so Baliyo decided to start formulating a plan. "Nirmala, Surak, you two head Eastbound."

They both nodded and ran to the Eastern area of the territory. They appeared to be more correlated than when they first entered the Tree, stumbling over each other.

Baliyo changed his focus to his sister and Kion. "Alright, I'm gonna go West. You two head North."

"Woah woah woah," Kion interpreted, shaking his head, "you can't go alone!"

"There's no other option. There's no way I'm making a guest go alone, and I'm certainly not letting my sister go alone!"

Kion and Rani both opened their mouths to object, but nothing came out. Not because Baliyo was right, but because there was no changing his mind.

Kion sighed. "Alright, but why is no one heading South?"

"Well, I'm very doubtful it came from the South. The scream echoed in the Tree; the voice and echo wouldn't have been able to enter the Tree if it came from behind," Baliyo answered, and it made sense. "We gotta get a move on. Good luck you two."

They exchanged farewells and good lucks before Baliyo started his quest West. He was determined to stop the trouble, even if it meant going alone into harms way.

Rani gained much respect for her brother, and she knew that making Baliyo King was one of the best things the Tree's ever done. He had everything necessary to be King.

The pieces of life were finally starting to fit together for Rani and her family. The Tree was surely to be safe with Baliyo. The only piece of the puzzle not complete was Kion: How did he fit into the picture?

Rani could not say yet. It seemed like everything was happening so fast. Her parents passed away, Baliyo became King: What was her destiny?

One thing was for certain, however: Kion had a piece right in the center of it. No matter what the future held, nothing could change that.

She looked up at her boyfriend. "Let's roll, love."

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