I'll Do It For Him

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Baliyo was resting on the rock, sleeping not-so peacefully, for sister was leaving for the mountain to find the flower to help her significant other. He tossed and turned all night, and he could tell she would leave soon.

Kion was sleeping toward the back of the Tree, oblivious to what was happening. He was in dreamland; everything was perfect.

Rani was at the entrance of the Tree. It was time to go meet Surak and get the flower.

"Be careful, sis," Baliyo cautioned Rani.

Rani was about to respond, until she noticed that it was a murmur from Baliyo's dream.

"I will," she whispered under her breath.

She began her journey to the lake where she saw Surak.

She took a deep breath once she reached him. "Ready to go?"

Surak nodded as they began their voyage toward the mountain. Rani could tell Surak was tired, and Rani would admit she was also tired. The adrenaline pumping through her veins, however, kept her awake. Toward no-man's land; let's a-go.

"I feel dumb for ask this," Rani spoke, "but is the mountain northeast or northwest of here?"

It wasn't everyday where you tried to climb an unclimbable mountain. It's been so long since she though about it, she forgot where it was. Plus, a certain lion had been on her mind for the past days.

"Nirmala told me it was northeast."

Rani nodded as they listen to nature began to wake up. Very peaceful indeed.

"I've been meaning to tell you," Surak recalled, turning his body to face Rani. She could tell this was serious, "remember Mama?"


Surak nodded. "Yes; she's trying to get in more and more since you've been gone."

"Will she ever quit?" Rani rolled her eyes and sighed.

She and her "team" (although it was more like puppets) always tried to get into the Tree, and not with good intent.

"I don't think so," Surak confessed, feeling the same was Rani did. "It sucks too, because the Tree gets has no real danger other than her."

Rani stopped immediately, the fur on her back standing up. "Is the Tree of Life as risk while we are gone?"

Surak contemplated her question for a moment. "Eh, I don't think so. She only ever attacks at night."

Rani, feeling better, continued walking. We should be back before midday, if all goes according to plan.

"If only we could summon a tornado or something," Surak joked.

Rani, however, did not laugh nor smile, and Surak noticed. "C'mon..I thought that was a little funny."

"We might just be able to," Rani began formulating a plan in her head.

Surak gave her an odd look. "Might be able to what? Form a tornado?"

She nodded, but did not explain. "Kion and I will explain later."

"What does Kion have to do with this?"

Rani laughed, shaking her head. "You have no idea."

By the time they made it to the mountain, the sun had well established its position in the sky.

"The good news," Surak stated as they reached the base of the mountain, "is that the flower isn't too high up on the mountain."

"That's good. Maybe we can get back before Kion gets up. Baliyo too, of course."

"What does it matter if they wake up before we get back?" Surak questioned Rani.

"Simple," Rani replied, "similar to what I said before with telling Kion, I don't want them to worry."

"That's sweet," Surak smiled. He would never admit it, of course, but he was a bit of a romantic himself. "What are you and Kion going to do?"

Rani gave him a confused look, but he just nodded. "Exactly what I just said. I know Kion said you were taking things one step at a time, but once we get this flower, it will only be a matter of time before Kion is healed."

"Well, I was gonna go with Kion to visit the Pridelands, but upon hearing Mama's still very much out here, I'm not sure," Rani contemplated. What I would do to go, though.

Surak had been studying Kion and Rani from the moment they came back, and there was only one conclusion he could draw: "No matter what, you two should stay together."

"What do you mean?" asked Rani, looking over toward Surak.

They were working their way up the mountain. It was beginning to get a little snowy on the ground. They were getting close, and Rani knew it. Hopefully, we can get there safely.

"You're willing to make this journey to help him. He must be something special," Surak spoke truth.

Rani smiled. No truer words had ever been spoken. "He absolutely is. The words he uses have such an effect on me. Oh and how he helps and cares for me too. It's only just that I help him after he helped me, and I gladly will, for this and the future. There's only one word to describe him, and that's-"


It took Rani a second, but when she realized what he was saying, she started to run. However, Rani noticed Surak wasn't following her.

She also noticed nothing was happening. Where's the avalanche?

"Rani? Where are you going?" called Surak.

"You said snow, I thought you meant-"

"No no no!" Surak shook his head. "I meant it's snowing. It looks cool."

"Oh," was all Rani said while rolling her eyes. Albeit, she was very relieved as they started their journey again.

"Now that all the confusion is clear, the word is...?"

Rani looked dreamily upon the mountain with stars in her eyes, and muttered, "Love."

Surak shook his and and laugh. "You remind me a lot of your mother when she met your father."

Just as quickly as he spoke, Surak wished he could take it back. "Oh, Rani, I'm so sor-"

"It's okay," Rani shrugged him off, "I've come to terms with it."

Surak face wore a smile that grew when he saw what he thought. "Rani do you think that's the flower?"

Up ahead, Rani looked and saw the flower he was referring to. "It's the only flower I've seen on the mountain so far."

"Nirmala described the flower to me; it seems to fit the description."

"I say this is it," Rani confidently stated, "let's grab the one next too, incase we need two."

"That's smart," Surak said in agreement.

They grabbed the flower, and Rani let out a laugh. "And here I was, thinking we would have to climb the whole mountain."

"I was thinking the same thing. We only had to climb, like, a quarter or so up," Surak laughed joyfully.

"Come on," Rani announced with a smile, "let's go home."

Gone, But Not Alone (A KionxRani AU)Where stories live. Discover now